A Case of Need Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Case of Need Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When talking with John, what information does Fritz confirm?
(a) Nobody took Karen seriously anymore.
(b) Karen had attempted suicide at least five times.
(c) Peter Randall thought his niece was possessed.
(d) Peter Randall had performed at least two abortions on Karen.

2. George Wilson says that the only other way to free Art is to find the real abortionist, but ___________.
(a) Jurors could still ignore the evidence and accuse Art.
(b) This person could convince the court he or she is innocent.
(c) It is very possible that Art is the real abortionist.
(d) This person will be difficult to find in time for the trial.

3. Who is George Morris?
(a) Chief resident of medicine.
(b) Top-notch attorney.
(c) Chief police investigator.
(d) Well-respected pediatrician.

4. Without being noticed, John and George follow J.D. Randall and Peter Randall and watch them do what?
(a) Hide Peter's car in a densely forested area.
(b) Take part in a drug deal.
(c) Pour gas in Peter's car and push it over a cliff.
(d) Get into a fist fight.

5. When John defends Peter Randall, Dr. Sanderson believes that perhaps John is what?
(a) Using cloudy judgment.
(b) Stupid and naive.
(c) Under too much stress.
(d) High on drugs.

6. When John reaches the Lee household, what does he find in their front yard?
(a) A smoldering cross.
(b) A dead cat.
(c) Signs with derogatory words.
(d) An assortment of flowers.

7. George Wilson explains that as an African-American defending an Asian-American abortionist in that particular era in front of a white jury, he faces what big challenge?
(a) Keeping Art alive.
(b) Supressing his own disdain.
(c) Overcoming stereotypes.
(d) Keeping his family safe.

8. What does John say about doctors who drink large quantities of alcohol?
(a) Most do not act drunk.
(b) Most sound smarter.
(c) They get sleepy.
(d) They reveal confidential information about patients.

9. As John plans his strategy for Thursday, he gets a phone call from whom?
(a) Betty Lee.
(b) J.D. Randall.
(c) Peter Randall.
(d) Angela Harding.

10. What does Fritz reveal to John about Ev Randall?
(a) She hates Art with all her might.
(b) She had had an abortion through Art.
(c) She and Fritz had an affair.
(d) Fritz was once married to her.

11. Norton tells John that it would be interesting if what happened at the pharmacy was related to what?
(a) Art's arrest.
(b) J.D. Randall's actions.
(c) Karen's death.
(d) John's investigation.

12. When a reporter arrives at the Lee household, John makes it a point to talk about what?
(a) How frightening their nextdoor neighbor is.
(b) How well-respected the Lees are in the community.
(c) How much the Lees love their children.
(d) How long it had taken for the police to arrive.

13. When John goes to Mallory Lab to talk to Dr. Weston about Karen's autopsy results, what does Weston do?
(a) He shows John all the postmortem examination slides.
(b) He explains that he is not allowed to discuss the results.
(c) He threatens to call the police.
(d) He tells John that the results are none of his business.

14. Why is Angela Harding admitted to the hospital?
(a) She has tried to kill herself.
(b) She has advanced pneumonia.
(c) She has advanced cancer.
(d) She has been attacked by a mugger.

15. George Wilson explains that a second viable approach is to do what?
(a) Bring Art's family into the courtroom to win the jury's sympathy.
(b) Bring in dozens of witnesses who support and respect Art.
(c) Present sensitive information about the Randalls in court.
(d) Make jurors feel like idiots if they do not see that Art is innocent.

Short Answer Questions

1. When John and George arrive at the Randall residence, what are they surprised to see out front?

2. Why does Ev Randall name Art as the abortionist who messed up Karen's procedure?

3. What is happening outside of the Lee's home?

4. When John checks with Memorial Hospital about Karen's autopsy results, he learns that the official findings are that she died of a reaction from penicillin and complications from what?

5. What does Angela Harding confess to John Berry?

(see the answer keys)

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