A Case of Need Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Case of Need Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Thursday, Chapters 1 through 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At Smith College, how does John get past the receptionist in the dorm rooms?
(a) He claims to be Karen's doctor.
(b) He claims to be Karen's uncle.
(c) He bribes her with compliments.
(d) He bribes her with chocolate.

2. Art Lee explains to John Berry that he had refused to perform an abortion on Karen Randall because __________.
(a) Her pregnancy was already four months along.
(b) He thought it was a trap.
(c) Her reasons for wanting one were frivolous.
(d) He was afraid of her father.

3. After Mrs. McPherson dies during heart surgery, her surgeon says he does not know what?
(a) How to tell her four children.
(b) If she had been diagnosed correctly.
(c) If he will lose his license to practice medicine.
(d) How to explain this to his supervisor.

4. When John calls Lewis Carr after meeting with the medical intern, what is Lewis' demeanor?
(a) Frightened and apologetic.
(b) Giddy and bouyant.
(c) Angry and belligerent.
(d) Guarded and reserved.

5. Where does John Kerry have a meeting with William Randall?
(a) At the medical school dormitory.
(b) In the coffee shop.
(c) At the public library.
(d) In the general hospital's cafeteria.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Alan Zenner?

2. After meeting with Art in jail, John calls George Bradford and leaves a message. Who is Bradford?

3. After pediatrician Charlie Frank tells John that rumor has it that he is involved in abortions, what else does he say?

4. What does John say about doctors who drink large quantities of alcohol?

5. During Karen Randall's autopsy, the stretchmarks noted on her body indicate what?

(see the answer key)

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