A Canticle for Leibowitz Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Canticle for Leibowitz Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For whom does Paulo think Benjamin is waiting?
(a) Taddeo
(b) Francis
(c) Hannegan
(d) the Messiah

2. What does Benjamin say the sign outside his tent means?
(a) "Fortunes Told Inside"
(b) "Beware of Dogs"
(c) "Stormy Weather Ahead"
(d) "Tents Mended Here"

3. What does Benjamin offer Paulo to drink?
(a) water
(b) juice
(c) milk
(d) beer

4. What does God do to the prince in the myth of the Flame Deluge?
(a) saves him when the prince repents
(b) banishes him to Purgatory
(c) sentences him to walk the Earth eternally
(d) slays him

5. What does Asian radio say about the destruction of Texarkana?
(a) They have know knowledge of the origin of the missle.
(b) The missle came from an orbiting satellite.
(c) The missle came from the moon.
(d) An errant Atlantic missile is responsible.

6. To what does Taddeo compare the Poet?
(a) the Tower of Babbel
(b) a mad king
(c) a wise king
(d) a court jester

7. What does Mad Bear drink?
(a) chicken's blood
(b) goat's blood
(c) steer's blood
(d) pig's blood

8. What does Taddeo believe the monks have done?
(a) received a holy inspiration from God
(b) kept Kornhoer's invention secret for centuries
(c) leapt ahead in scientific advances through intuition
(d) performed a trick on him

9. What is Thon Maho Makh investigating?
(a) the beginning of the solar system
(b) the possible existence of a lost pocket of civilization
(c) the effects of nuclear radiation on humanity
(d) evolution and the origin of humanity

10. Who is Mrs. Grales?
(a) a local fortune teller
(b) a mutant two-headed woman
(c) a mysterious holy woman who visits the abbey
(d) a villager who worships St. Leibowitz

11. What does Taddeo want Kornhoer to do?
(a) give Taddeo his invention
(b) explain how the invention works
(c) not tell anyone about the invention yet
(d) come to the collegium to do research

12. How does Paulo treat the Old Jew?
(a) as a friend
(b) fearfully
(c) as an enemy
(d) as a heathen who must be converted

13. What does Tadeo offer to do after the war begins?
(a) fight anyone who invades the abbey
(b) give the monks an escapte route
(c) leave the abbey
(d) petition Hannegan for peace

14. What does the Old Jew, Benjamin, do when Paulo comes to return his goat?
(a) He makes a bet with Paulo over the goat.
(b) He refuses to take the goat back.
(c) He rewards Paulo for returning the goat.
(d) He takes the goat back without thanks.

15. To whom does Paulo compare the smile on the statue of Leibowitz?
(a) Taddeo
(b) Benjamin
(c) Himself
(d) Christ

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the APLAC do to Zerchi's data?

2. How will the Church transport the Memorabilia?

3. What happens during Mrs. Grayles' confession?

4. How many monks does it take to run the invention?

5. Why is Zerchi late to give Mrs. Grales confession?

(see the answer keys)

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