A Burning Test | Final Test - Easy

Megha Majumdar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Burning Test | Final Test - Easy

Megha Majumdar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part IV, what prices are Bimala Pal worried about?
(a) The prices of bread.
(b) The prices of carrots.
(c) The prices of meat.
(d) The prices of onions.

2. Where does Bimala Pal send PT Sir on a mission in Part III?
(a) Kolabanga.
(b) New Dheli.
(c) Chalnai.
(d) Kolkata.

3. What job does Jivan receive in improving the look of the prison?
(a) Scrubbing soot and grease from the prison walls.
(b) Planting trees.
(c) Cutting the grass.
(d) Painting the exterior.

4. What did the man on the burning train seem to be asking Jivan while the train burned?
(a) To pull him out.
(b) To save his small daughter.
(c) To take his ring.
(d) To take his books.

5. What does Jivan tell Purnendu she did when she saw a woman's purse unzipped one day on the main street?
(a) She told her friend to steal the the wallet.
(b) She told the woman her purse was unzipped.
(c) She stole the woman's wallet.
(d) She considered stealing her wallet but decided against it.

6. When is the Durga Pujo festival?
(a) Winter.
(b) Fall.
(c) Autumn.
(d) Summer.

7. When Purendu's story comes out in the paper, what does it emphasize that devastates Jivan?
(a) That she had expressed distrust of the police and had physically clashed with them in the past.
(b) That she was poor.
(c) That she was from the Kolbagan slum.
(d) That she did not speak English.

8. What happens to Lovely's closest sister in the hijra house?
(a) She dies of cancer.
(b) She is kicked out of the hijra house by the owner.
(c) She dies after a botched gender reassignment surgery.
(d) She is taken to prison for a minor offense.

9. What kind of carriers do people often transport food inside in India?
(a) Oval metal boxes.
(b) Tiffin carriers.
(c) Refrigerated boxes.
(d) Marshall boxes.

10. What is the food for the B actors on the set of the first film Lovely is cast in?
(a) Sandwiches.
(b) Pizza.
(c) Blackened bananas.
(d) Cakes.

11. How does Lovely avoid being arrested by the guard in Part IV at the tourist location?
(a) She tells him she is is cousin.
(b) She actually does have a ticket.
(c) She has a friend vouch for her.
(d) She runs away.

12. What does PT Sir eat for breakfast every morning?
(a) Muffins.
(b) Eggs.
(c) Oats.
(d) Nothing.

13. Why are Brijesh and his friend refused entry to the mall they visit?
(a) They are told they are not clean enough to enter.
(b) They are told they do not have the right shoes to enter.
(c) They are asked to pay to gain entry and they refuse.
(d) They are asked to pledge allegiance to the party to enter.

14. Why do interviewers eventually follow Lovely to Mr. Debnath's acting class?
(a) Mr. Debnath gets a good reputation for teaching acting.
(b) She is becoming famous.
(c) Lovely has paid the reporters to come.
(d) Mr. Debnath's other student becomes famous.

15. Who brings the newspaper with the article about Jivan to her?
(a) Arunji ma.
(b) Uma madam.
(c) Jivan's father.
(d) Mira Ha.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jivan wear to her trial?

2. How did Jivan feel going to the school for girls that she describes to Purnendu?

3. What kind of flowers is it appropriate to bring to mourn, as PT Sir does when the leader of the Jana Kalyan Party dies?

4. What festival does JIvan tell Purnendu about in Part III?

5. Who had the most severe problem with Lovely's gender?

(see the answer keys)

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