Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. As a result of the outcome of the Battle of Ap Bac, how do the Viet Cong react?
2. When John Paul Vann is eventually recruited into the Army, what is his job intended to be?
3. What does John Paul Vann find out about the numbers of the Regional Forces in Hau Nghia?
4. To what rank is John Paul Vann promoted by the Washington, DC, high command?
5. Who is Myrtle Tripp's first husband?
Short Essay Questions
1. What prominent CIA figure eventually adopted and promoted John Paul Vann's assessment of the Vietnam War? Why was this person important?
2. Was John Paul Vann content to fulfill his new duties? Why or why not?
3. How did John Paul Vann react to the ARVN "victory" at Ap Bac? How did General Harkins accept John Paul Vann's assessment?
4. Following the inconclusive, but embarrassing, result of Ap Bac, General Huynh Van Cao launched a dummy attack on the same location. Why did he do this? What was the result?
5. How and where did John Paul Vann die? Provide details.
6. By this time, what was the political situation in Saigon?
7. Who was the most influential and first real friend that John Paul Vann had? Why did this person have such an impact on John Paul Vann's life?
8. What do we know about John Paul Vann's lineage?
9. Why did General Harkins feel the way he did about John Paul Vann's report?
10. What word best describes John Paul Vann's mother, Myrtle Lee Tripp? Provide a justification for your answer.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What were some of the staple foods in the Vann home? How did this particular diet affect the health and psychological well-being of the children? Which of John Paul Vann's parents was the primary cook and provider? Why?
Essay Topic 2
Describe five or six of the more prominent attendees at John Paul Vann's funeral. Why do you think each one was there and what was the political, social, or emotional reason for their attendance?
Essay Topic 3
There were many reasons why the United States decided to directly involve our military in Vietnam. Chief among them was the performance of the Army of the Republic of Viet Nam (ARVN). Briefly describe the condition of the ARVN that prompted many American advisers and military intelligence personnel to recommend "sending in the Marines"? If the United States hadn't sent in fighting men and women, how do you think South Vietnam might have fared on its own?
This section contains 896 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |