A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam Test | Final Test - Easy

Neil Sheehan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam Test | Final Test - Easy

Neil Sheehan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many children do John Paul Vann and his wife have?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 4.

2. What is the name of John Paul Vann's most beloved father figure?
(a) John Paul Vann, Sr.
(b) Frank De Mint.
(c) Aaron Frank Vann.
(d) George S. Tripp.

3. By 1967, how many acres of land (approximately) are destroyed by fighting, napalm, and chemical agent use throughout Vietnam?
(a) 0.5 million.
(b) 2 million.
(c) 1.5 million.
(d) 1 million.

4. What is the name of John Paul Vann's sweetheart and (eventual) wife?
(a) Mary Jo Allen.
(b) Mary Louise Allen.
(c) Mary Jane Allen.
(d) Mary Lee Allen.

5. In what year does John Paul Vann, Ramsey, and a few others send a new strategic proposal to Washington, DC?
(a) 1966.
(b) 1963.
(c) 1964.
(d) 1965.

6. In what year does the Vann family move to Atlantic City?
(a) 1944.
(b) 1937.
(c) 1953.
(d) 1966.

7. What specific order is given to General Huynh Van Cao in 1966 by his superiors, which he refuses to carry out?
(a) He is commanded to flee to Laos.
(b) He is asked to move his family to the Philippines.
(c) He is told to take command of all operations in Vietnam.
(d) He is told to make an assault on a Buddhist pagoda.

8. Which war is John Paul Vann sent to first, where he is promoted to the rank of Captain in 1950?
(a) Korea.
(b) World War II.
(c) Vietnam.
(d) First Indochina War.

9. Which U.S. general thwarts John Paul Vann's scheduled meeting the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
(a) General Westmoreland.
(b) General York.
(c) General Krulak.
(d) General Porter.

10. Which religious group does President Ngo Dinh Diem persecute most severely?
(a) Christians.
(b) Buddhists.
(c) Taoists.
(d) Moslems.

11. As a result of the outcome of the Battle of Ap Bac, how do the Viet Cong react?
(a) They flee to Cambodia, never to return.
(b) General Ho Chi Minh openly mocks the Americans on the radio.
(c) They panic and immediately seek a peace treaty with Saigon.
(d) They are determined to create a stronger army.

12. Who is President of the United States when America expands the war into Cambodia in 1970?
(a) Gerald Ford.
(b) Lyndon Johnson.
(c) Richard M. Nixon.
(d) Jimmy Carter.

13. By late 1965, the Saigon/U.S. and VC forces begin to:
(a) Push the war into Laos.
(b) Enter into peace negotiations.
(c) Assassinate each other's top commanders.
(d) Bomb indiscriminately, increasing civilian casualties.

14. Brigadier General Pham Quoc Thuan constructs this facility based on the demands of U.S. G.I.s:
(a) A Las Vegas-style resort casino.
(b) An extra-secure command bunker.
(c) An ice-making plant.
(d) A statue of General Harkins.

15. Which province does John Paul Vann and his friend conspire to re-take?
(a) Da Nang Province.
(b) Quang Binh Province.
(c) Hau Nghia Province.
(d) Kon Tum Province.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year does John Paul Vann and his wife sell their home in El Paso, Texas, and move to Washington, DC?

2. With whom does John Paul Vann plot to re-take an entire province?

3. Starting in April, 1967, these event begin as a result of the growing VC numbers:

4. Which city does John Paul Vann consider "home"?

5. What is General Harkins' response to John Paul Vann's report of the battle?

(see the answer keys)

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