A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Neil Sheehan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Neil Sheehan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 4, "Taking on the System".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In a three-page report, John Paul Vann indicates which of the following about General Huynh Van Cao?
(a) He doesn't care about winning.
(b) He is a laughing stock among the ARVN troops.
(c) He is too happy to retreat.
(d) He will not send troops to VC occupied villages.

2. How many Viet Cong guerrillas are entrenched in defensive positions at Ap Bac?
(a) 5,000.
(b) 2,500.
(c) 350.
(d) 700.

3. Who is appointed by General Edward Lansdale to be the President of the Republic of South Vietnam?
(a) Ngo Dinh Diem.
(b) Dien Bien Phu.
(c) Ho Chi Minh.
(d) Mao Tse-Tung.

4. Which of the following best describes the attendees at John Paul Vann's funeral?
(a) His commanding officers, friends, and public relations agent.
(b) Both those that agreed and disagreed with his vision.
(c) Protesters and those who disliked him.
(d) Only his closest friends and family.

5. In what year does John Paul Vann retire from the Army?
(a) 1964.
(b) 1962.
(c) 1965.
(d) 1963.

Short Answer Questions

1. This group of organized gangs and criminals attempt a revolt in South Vietnam's capitol city of Saigon.

2. The headquarters of the 7th Infantry Division of the ARVN is called:

3. How does John Paul Vann die?

4. Which notable newspaper reporter of the era is an attendee at the John Paul Vann funeral?

5. Which city in North Vietnam is the base for Ho Chi Minh's government?

(see the answer key)

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