A Brief History of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Brief History of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who discovered the equation that governs the electron?
(a) Einstein.
(b) Hawking.
(c) Born.
(d) Dirac.

2. How many questions are left unanswered prior to the development of math that incorporates quantum mechanics?
(a) Four.
(b) Five.
(c) Three.
(d) Six.

3. According to Hawking, when the universe has lost all order, life will be what?
(a) Non-existent.
(b) Fun.
(c) Creative.
(d) Impossible.

4. What book did Galileo publish, with the backing of the church's censors?
(a) Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems.
(b) Dialogue Concerning the Relation of the World.
(c) Dialogue Concerning Humanity and the Universe.
(d) Dialogue Concerning God and Science.

5. A closed string is defined as what?
(a) A string that has ends.
(b) A string joined up with itself in a closed loop.
(c) A string that connects two objects and no other.
(d) A string that closes off an area of space.

6. What year did the church declare Copernicanism false and erroneous?
(a) 1616.
(b) 1617.
(c) 1614.
(d) 1615.

7. Hawking believes that scientists are too taken up with the "what" of the universe to ask which question?
(a) How?
(b) Why?
(c) When?
(d) Who?

8. Hawking argues that randomness must exist to a certain degree due to what?
(a) The lack of knowledge.
(b) The theory of relativity.
(c) The ability to run time backwards.
(d) The uncertainty principle.

9. Hawking believes that if science does discover a complete theory of the universe, then humans will have come to know what?
(a) The mind of God.
(b) When humanity will end.
(c) The nature of infinity.
(d) If there is an end of time.

10. Superstring theory lacks what kind of evidence?
(a) Observational.
(b) Experimental.
(c) Theoretical.
(d) Mathematical.

11. Gamma ray detection might be able to be used to detect what?
(a) Pulsars.
(b) White dwarfs.
(c) Quasars.
(d) Black holes.

12. The publication of what book made Einstein declare, " If I were wrong, then one would've been enough."
(a) 1000 Authors Against Einstein.
(b) All Against Einstein.
(c) 100 Authors Against Einstein.
(d) 101 Authors Against Einstein.

13. Why did the universe not collapse back on itself shortly after the big bang?
(a) There was too much acceleration.
(b) Particles became real and less dense.
(c) We don't know.
(d) Gravity interfered.

14. The man who was convicted of trying to murder Einstein was fined how much?
(a) One hundred dollars.
(b) He was thrown in jail, not fined.
(c) Six dollars.
(d) He wasn't fined at all.

15. What is entropy?
(a) Amount of disintegration in a system.
(b) Amount of movement in a system.
(c) Amount of disorder in a system.
(d) Amount of velocity in a system.

Short Answer Questions

1. Galileo belied that the earth did what?

2. What does chemistry allow us to calculate?

3. What might escape from a black hole?

4. When Einstein said he was not coming back to Germany, what was the headline in the paper?

5. The uncertainty principle says that certain pairs of quantities (like position and velocity of a particle) cannot be determined with what?

(see the answer keys)

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