A Brief History of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Brief History of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In string theory, the strings have what dimension and no other?
(a) Width.
(b) Height.
(c) Depth.
(d) Length.

2. What scientific feat led to the introduction of imaginary time?
(a) Trying to unify gravity with quantum mechanics.
(b) Trying to create a testable hypothesis for the big bang.
(c) Trying to unify small forces with the theory of relativity.
(d) Trying to unite the concept of black holes and the big bang.

3. What might escape from a black hole?
(a) Gamma rays.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Photons.
(d) Something with more gravitational force than a black hole.

4. According to Hawking, when the universe has lost all order, life will be what?
(a) Fun.
(b) Non-existent.
(c) Creative.
(d) Impossible.

5. "We see the universe the way it is because we exist," demonstrates what principle?
(a) Humanity principle.
(b) Rationalization principle.
(c) Anthropic principle.
(d) Anthropomorphic principle.

6. Galileo wrote about Copernicus' theory in which language?
(a) Italian.
(b) Greek.
(c) French.
(d) Latin.

7. What book did Galileo publish, with the backing of the church's censors?
(a) Dialogue Concerning Humanity and the Universe.
(b) Dialogue Concerning God and Science.
(c) Dialogue Concerning the Relation of the World.
(d) Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems.

8. If Hawking's model of the universe is used, black holes do what with their matter?
(a) Make it dense and start a new big bang.
(b) Release it back into space.
(c) Collapse on it.
(d) Nothing.

9. How many black holes are estimated per cubic light year of space?
(a) 350.
(b) 400.
(c) 450.
(d) 300.

10. Mathematics is the language of what?
(a) Physics.
(b) How things work in the universe.
(c) Natural sciences.
(d) Engineers.

11. Infinities in partial theories can be canceled out through a process known as what?
(a) Restructuring.
(b) Rebalancing.
(c) Recontouring.
(d) Renormalization.

12. What is the purpose of an arrow of time?
(a) To indicate how much time has passed.
(b) To give direction to time.
(c) To indicate how far time must move.
(d) To indicate how fast time moves.

13. Laplace, at the beginning of the 19th century, postulated what idea?
(a) Scientific experiments.
(b) Scientific communication.
(c) Scientific determinism.
(d) Scientific knowledge.

14. What is one of Hawking's three possibilities for the unification of physics theory?
(a) There will never be unification because we don't understand everything.
(b) No theory of the universe is possible at all.
(c) That the theories will be united when gravity is no longer a constant.
(d) That string theory will ultimately prevail.

15. What is another name for combination of operations?
(a) Equations.
(b) Differentials.
(c) Factors.
(d) Symmetries.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of Galileo's book that had to be smuggled to a publisher?

2. Who said, "Physics as we know it will be over in six months."

3. More than his support for Copernicus, what of Galileo's was considered the genesis of modern physics?

4. Einstein said that politics are for the present but equations are for how long?

5. There must be a beginning and an end to the universe if what theory is used?

(see the answer keys)

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