A Bend in the Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicholas Sparks (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Bend in the Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicholas Sparks (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Charlie learns in Chapter 24 that his deputy has not been able to locate ________ all day.
(a) Earl Getlin.
(b) Otis Timson.
(c) Miles Ryan.
(d) Sims Addison.

2. In Chapter 17, what does the author say many people do in Sims' presence without thinking about it because of his appearance?
(a) Offer him drinks.
(b) Forget to include him.
(c) Say private things.
(d) Keep distance between them.

3. In Chapter 24, how does Sarah try to distract Miles from the accusations against Otis Timson?
(a) With a homemade meal.
(b) With a movie.
(c) With a walk.
(d) With a trip to a restaurant.

4. Who is Bennie Wiggins?
(a) A church van driver.
(b) A retired school teacher.
(c) A bus driver.
(d) A taxi cab driver.

5. What detail of the accident does Brian mention that finally gets Miles' attention?
(a) The rock that killed Missy.
(b) The logo on Missy's t-shirt.
(c) The location of the accident.
(d) The blanket.

6. In Chapter 32, what does Sarah say Miles does not care about?
(a) It was only an accident.
(b) Brian is sorry.
(c) She loves him.
(d) He got everything wrong.

7. In Chapter 20, who confronts Miles the moment he returns to the sheriff's office?
(a) Charlie.
(b) Mark.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Maureen.

8. What part of the story does Miles seem to think Brian is lying about?
(a) Why he was on the road that night.
(b) Why he ran.
(c) Why he hit Missy.
(d) Whether or not he was sleeping behind the wheel.

9. In Chapter 32, what is the first thing about Brian's story that makes Miles realize what Brian is telling him?
(a) His mention of the dog.
(b) His description of Missy's clothing.
(c) His mention of Rhett's Barbecue.
(d) His description of the winding curves of Madame Moore's Lane.

10. In Chapter 18, how much damage did the narrator find to the front of his car after the accident?
(a) A dent in the hood.
(b) None.
(c) A broken headlight.
(d) A broken grill.

11. What image does the narrator say haunted him in the weeks after Missy's death?
(a) The sight of her twisted limbs.
(b) The sight of her face.
(c) The sight of the dog.
(d) The sight of his car.

12. In Chapter 37, what does Charlie imply he knows about Brian and Miles?
(a) Brian is Jonah's real father.
(b) Brian is Missy's killer and Miles let him go.
(c) Brian is the cause of Miles' split with Sarah.
(d) Brian is Miles' new best friend.

13. In Chapter 17, why does Charlie call Miles in to work early?
(a) There was an accident on the highway.
(b) A suspect in a local crime was located.
(c) He needs him to do extra paperwork.
(d) Sims wants to speak to him.

14. In Chapter 31, to whose house does Charlie go on Sunday rather than to church?
(a) Brian.
(b) Maureen.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Miles.

15. What does Brian bring to Missy's grave each time he visits?
(a) A picture of Jonah.
(b) Flowers.
(c) A barbecue dinner.
(d) A wreath.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 22, who meets Charlie at the gates of Hailey State Prison?

2. What one question does Sarah ask Brian before taking him to tell Miles the truth?

3. In Chapter 17, the author compare Sims Addison to what animal?

4. Charlie finds out that Earl has suffered what injury in prison?

5. In Chapter 32, Sarah meets Brian on Monday morning at the __________.

(see the answer keys)

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