A Bend in the River Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Bend in the River Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Nazruddin in Canada?
(a) Nazruddin could not buy a business.
(b) Nazruddin's health could not stand the weather.
(c) Nazruddin was deported as a terrorist.
(d) Nazruddin was swindled in an oil well scheme.

2. What has become of Kareisha, Nazruddin's daughter whom Salim feared he might have to marry?
(a) Kareisha, Nazruddin's daughter, has become a pharmacist.
(b) Kareisha is married to a British man and has four children.
(c) Kareisha has gone to India and will marry a doctor.
(d) Kareisha has left the family and moved to America.

3. What news does Salim get from Uganda?
(a) Nazruddin sends Salim a letter telling him that things are not going well.
(b) The BBC reports wide spread unrest.
(c) Nazruddin writes that his business is flourishing.
(d) Uganda wins a United Nations recognition of excellence.

4. What happens as a backlash against the corruption?
(a) There are assaults on police stations and statues are toppled.
(b) Unknown people sabatoge the Police vehicles.
(c) The squatters from the villages refuse to leave their areas.
(d) A committee is sent to appeal to the President.

5. What amazes Salim about Raymond?
(a) He does not seem to love Yvette.
(b) He has no ambition to leave the country.
(c) He works on plans to overthrow the President.
(d) His position with the President is shaky but he remains loyal.

6. Why does Salim close his shop for three hours the day after the affair begins?
(a) To spend time with Yvette
(b) To go to the river and think
(c) To rearrange his merchandise
(d) To help Mahesh in the Bigburger

7. In what way is Raymond like Salim's family?
(a) They cannot be persuaded to change their ideas on anything.
(b) They never understand what is happening around them.
(c) They have no respect for the powerful.
(d) They deny the danger around them and are unable to move before it strikes.

8. When and where does the affair between Salim and Yvette begin?
(a) The day after the lunch when Yvette comes to Salim's apartment
(b) The night after the lunch in Salim's warehouse
(c) Right after the lunch in Yvette's bedroom
(d) A week later in the hotel

9. Where do Salim and Yvette go after the steamer gets out of sight?
(a) To a European restaurant
(b) To the Domain
(c) To find Raymond
(d) To Salim's store

10. What happens after the Youth Guard is disbanded?
(a) The young men become bandits.
(b) Police and other officials start harassing people.
(c) The President's army moves in.
(d) The Domain is closed to the public.

11. How does Salim see Mahesh as half a man?
(a) Because Mahesh cannot make decisions for himself.
(b) Because Mahesh only sees himself through Shoba's eyes.
(c) Because Mahesh is only five feet tall.
(d) Because Mahesh never sees anything through to the end.

12. Back in Africa, why does Salim feel sympathy for the President?
(a) After seeing Europe, he wonders how the President can stand Africa.
(b) After seeing Europe, he understands that the President is stupid.
(c) After seeing Europe, he thinks the President is right about Africa.
(d) After seeing Europe, he knows what the President is up against.

13. What upsets Indar when he sees the fake Hindu decorations at the Indian High Commission?
(a) They are too expensive to put outside a building.
(b) They let their culture become foreign kitsch.
(c) They look in poor repair.
(d) They do not include any Muslim artifacts.

14. What suggestion does a guest of Raymond's make to him?
(a) That he write a biography of the President
(b) That he go apologize to the President
(c) That he apply for work with the UN
(d) That he apply for work in America

15. How does the purser on the steamer show that he does not respect the President?
(a) He sneers every time the President is mentioned.
(b) He speaks French which the President has banned.
(c) He sits down when the national anthem is played.
(d) He puts a cloth over the President's portrait.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Salim have in his desk drawer?

2. What does Salim learn from Yvette about Raymond's writing?

3. What did one of Indar's lecturers suggest for him?

4. What do Salim and Yvette enjoy at the restaurant?

5. What surprises Metty when Salim comes looking for him?

(see the answer keys)

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