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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What news does Salim get from Uganda?
(a) The BBC reports wide spread unrest.
(b) Nazruddin writes that his business is flourishing.
(c) Nazruddin sends Salim a letter telling him that things are not going well.
(d) Uganda wins a United Nations recognition of excellence.
2. What does Salim fear is behind the letter from Nazruddin?
(a) That Nazruddin wants him to marry his daughter
(b) That Nazruddin wants to borrow money
(c) That Nazruddin is coming to live with him
(d) That Nazruddin wants his store back
3. How do the businessmen react to the changes coming about?
(a) They start recuriting industry for the town.
(b) They build a new airport.
(c) They get busy and make contingency plans.
(d) They kid themselves by talking about how their town is better than anywhere else.
4. Why does Salim close his shop for three hours the day after the affair begins?
(a) To spend time with Yvette
(b) To go to the river and think
(c) To rearrange his merchandise
(d) To help Mahesh in the Bigburger
5. What does Salim hold onto in the face of all this corruption?
(a) He contends that the President will appeal to the UN.
(b) He holds onto the idea of leaving the country.
(c) He remembers how things get bad and then get better.
(d) He still believes in the power of the President.
6. As the steamer finally leaves, why is Salim happy?
(a) Indar is so happy to be leaving the town.
(b) He will have time to spend on his business.
(c) He is standing on the bank with Yvette.
(d) He no longer has to deal with Ferdinand.
7. What causes Indar to become depressed?
(a) He cannot persuade Yvette to divorce Raymond.
(b) He is having to take on more classes at the Domain.
(c) Salim does not visit him any more.
(d) His time at the Domain is coming to an end.
8. What surprises Metty when Salim comes looking for him?
(a) Salim has many gifts for him.
(b) Metty thought Salim was too grand after flying to Europe.
(c) He did not expect Salim to return.
(d) Metty thought Salim was in prison.
9. What does Shoba do when she returns?
(a) She opens a beauty salon.
(b) She refuses to speak to Mahesh.
(c) She goes into isolation.
(d) She announces that she is pregnant.
10. What has become of Raymond and Yvette?
(a) They committed suicide.
(b) They are in prison.
(c) They were deported to England.
(d) No one knows where they have gone.
11. What does Yvette tell Salim about Indar?
(a) That he plans on going to America
(b) That he needs someone to think for him
(c) That he bored her to tears
(d) He had become an encumbrance that became a habit.
12. What is Zabeth's fear for Ferdinand?
(a) That he will be sent to a foreign country
(b) That he will be executed
(c) That he will not recover from his illness
(d) That he will turn against her
13. When and where does the affair between Salim and Yvette begin?
(a) Right after the lunch in Yvette's bedroom
(b) The night after the lunch in Salim's warehouse
(c) A week later in the hotel
(d) The day after the lunch when Yvette comes to Salim's apartment
14. What did one of Indar's lecturers suggest for him?
(a) That he become a public speaker
(b) That he become a diplomat
(c) That he start his own business in Africa
(d) That he take another degree
15. How does Salim reply to Nazruddin?
(a) That his store burned to the ground
(b) That things are unstable in the town and country
(c) That he is selling the store and going to London
(d) That the President has put a freeze on expansion
Short Answer Questions
1. What is so surprising about Shoba going to her country when her father dies?
2. What is Indar's moment of insight?
3. What do Salim and Yvette enjoy at the restaurant?
4. What has happened to the European statues in the Capital city?
5. In the light of day, how does Salim see Yvette's and Raymond's house?
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