A Bend in the River Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Bend in the River Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What request does Ferdinand make of Salim?
(a) He asks Salim to send him to school in America.
(b) He asks Salim to let him work in the store and quit school.
(c) He asks Salim to buy him a car.
(d) He asks Salim to find him a wife.

2. Who is the hostess Salim meets at the party?
(a) Yvette
(b) Claudette
(c) Zabeth's sister
(d) Shoba

3. How does Salim find the town when he arrives?
(a) Many new shops and houses are under construction.
(b) The President has put money into the town's recovery.
(c) It is beginning to prosper.
(d) It is more than half destroyed from the revolution.

4. How does Father Huismans see himself?
(a) As a European who became African
(b) As the last lucky observer of the old Africa
(c) As a prophet of doom for Africa
(d) As a chronicler of African history

5. Where does Father Huismans keep his collection of African artifacts?
(a) In an extra dormitory room of the lycee
(b) In his private quarters
(c) In the old gun room of the lycee
(d) In the chapel of the lycee

6. Where has Salim come from as the story opens?
(a) India
(b) The east coast of Africa
(c) South Africa
(d) The Sudan

7. Why was the wooden ice cream spoon venture foolish?
(a) There was no ice cream.
(b) The finished products were too expensive.
(c) People preferred ice cream cones.
(d) The spoons were to flimsy.

8. What does Indar mean when he tells Salim he's where it's at.
(a) Where big things are happening.
(b) Where everything will come to an end.
(c) Where these is the peace of obscurity.
(d) Where the new revolution will start.

9. On his trip to the central part of Africa, who stops Salim often for money or supplies?
(a) Men with guns
(b) Tribal leaders
(c) Beggars
(d) People wanting to escape

10. What is Salim's ethnic background?
(a) His family from northwest India is considered Arab.
(b) His family came from the Arabian penninsula.
(c) He is Arab with African blood from his grandmother.
(d) Salim is half Arab and half European.

11. Fearful of the growth of the town, what happens among the villagers?
(a) The villagers dislike the increased population but do not return to the villages.
(b) They begin to fear it and talk of destroying it rises again.
(c) The villagers see an opportunity for business.
(d) They are pushed further and further into the outskirts.

12. What does Ferdinand promise to do but does not do?
(a) Find a parttime job
(b) Take the book back
(c) Apologize to Salim
(d) Help Metty close up the shop

13. Why does Zabeth have a strange odor about her person?
(a) She runs a slaughterhouse in the village.
(b) It is a trait of her village tribe.
(c) She has been without soap until Salim reopens the shop.
(d) She uses it to keep people away for her protection.

14. What begins happening to the town as the area becomes more peaceful?
(a) Villagers no longer visit the town.
(b) The townspeople begin cleaning up the town.
(c) There is a flood and the town is all but wiped out.
(d) Villagers return and many of them stay.

15. How does Ferdinand react to the army coming to town?
(a) He wants to form an opposition force.
(b) He is fearful and wants to return to his village.
(c) He wants to join the army.
(d) He wants to write a book about the villagers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What behavior does Ferdinand go through after coming to the lycee?

2. Who is the narrator of the story?

3. What do the townspeople speculate about the new complex?

4. What is Ferdinand's question at Indar's lecture?

5. How are the east coast slaves different from those taken on the west coast of Africa?

(see the answer keys)

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