A Beautiful Mind: A Biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr., Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1994 Test | Final Test - Easy

Sylvia Nasar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Beautiful Mind: A Biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr., Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1994 Test | Final Test - Easy

Sylvia Nasar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the A Beautiful Mind: A Biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr., Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1994 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Peter Sarnak born?
(a) Germany.
(b) Nigeria.
(c) Ecuador.
(d) South Africa.

2. In Chapter Thirty-Four, Nash's colleagues began to suspect that something was wrong when he talked about aliens from outer space communicating with him through what?
(a) The Bible.
(b) Bars of soap.
(c) Cups of coffee.
(d) The New York Times.

3. Nash and Alicia sailed on what ship in Chapter Thirty-Eight?
(a) The Wooden Fish.
(b) The Water Dog.
(c) The King James.
(d) The Queen Mary.

4. When was the first Fields Medal awarded?
(a) 1936.
(b) 1909.
(c) 1876.
(d) 1922.

5. Where did John Forbes Nash, Jr. marry Alicia Larde?
(a) Memphis, Tennessee.
(b) Atlanta, Georgia.
(c) Washington, D.C.
(d) Salt Lake City, Utah.

6. Where did Nash go upon returning to the United States in Chapter Thirty-Nine?
(a) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
(b) Biloxi, Mississippi.
(c) Princeton, New Jersey.
(d) Marquette, Michigan.

7. Where in Europe did John Forbes Nash, Jr. decide to go at the end of Chapter Thirty-Seven?
(a) Zurich.
(b) London.
(c) Oslo.
(d) Paris.

8. What month was it when Nash traveled to East Germany in Chapter Thirty-Eight?
(a) June.
(b) October.
(c) September.
(d) March.

9. Where did the Nash's move after Paris in Chapter Thirty-Eight?
(a) Geneva, Switzerland.
(b) Rejkavic, Iceland.
(c) Oslo, Norway.
(d) London, England.

10. Where in New York did John Forbes Nash, Jr. rent an apartment in Chapter Twenty-Nine?
(a) Greenwich Village.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) SoHo.
(d) The Upper East Side.

11. Nash was released how many days after his commitment to the institution in Chapter Thirty-Six?
(a) Twenty-four.
(b) Fifty.
(c) Eighty-seven.
(d) One-hundred, thirty-one.

12. In Chapter Thirty-Two, Nash looked for another project in which to become involved and decided to tackle the problem posed by what?
(a) Game theory.
(b) The Manhattan Project.
(c) The continuum hypothesis.
(d) Riemann's Hypothesis.

13. In Chapter Thirty-Seven, Alicia and what friend rented a house while Nash was hospitalized?
(a) Mary.
(b) Louise.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Emma.

14. When did Paul Cohen die?
(a) 1985.
(b) 1988.
(c) 2004.
(d) 1993.

15. Alicia's family had been prominent and wealthy where, as described in Chapter Twenty-Six?
(a) Central Asia.
(b) Central America.
(c) Africa.
(d) Southeastern Asia.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was Alicia Larde born?

2. Who met with Alicia and told her about her son and her relationship with Nash in Chapter Twenty-Seven?

3. What is the name of the son John Forbes Nash, Jr. had with Alicia Nash?

4. When did Jürgen Moser die?

5. What was the month and year that Nash and Alicia sailed to Europe in Chapter Thirty-Eight?

(see the answer keys)

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