90 Minutes in Heaven Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

90 Minutes in Heaven Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kinds of people does Don seem to come in contact with following his recovery?
(a) Those who don't believe his story.
(b) Religious people.
(c) Healthy people.
(d) Those needing to hear his story.

2. What did Don see when he was leaning against the wall to catch his breath after going to the balcony in the arena?
(a) His wife and children.
(b) The entire youth group standing up.
(c) A young boy in a wheelchair.
(d) The doctor who operated on him.

3. What does Don say about his experience in heaven?
(a) It could possibly have been oxygen deprivation.
(b) He thinks he may have imagined it.
(c) He wished it hadn't happened.
(d) He can't explain it.

4. What did Chris do when he every time he came home?
(a) Offered to clean the house.
(b) Got in a fight with his mother.
(c) Gave his father a gentle hug.
(d) Gave his father a homemade present.

5. For how long does Don have trouble discussing his trip to heaven?
(a) For several years.
(b) For five years.
(c) For seven years.
(d) For six months.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did a woman start sobbing as Don was telling his story at a church?

2. What happens to the individual whose motorcycle crashed?

3. What does Don ask his three children to do?

4. To whom does Don first tell the entire story?

5. What miracle does Don believe God has performed on him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does David challenge Don to do and what happens?

2. What does a woman who called in at a radio station tell Don and what does Don do about it?

3. What surprised Eva most about Don in the months after the accident and what did she do about it? How does she view Don?

4. What does Don tell about waking up and having someone holding his hand and what does he find out about that?

5. What does Don think about his children through his ordeal?

6. Where did Don go in Houston and what did he have to do to get a seat? Why?

7. What do a couple of the studies on near death experiences say and what is Don's answer to them?

8. Who begins crying when Don is speaking at a church and why? What did she tell Don?

9. With whom does Don finally share his entire story and how did it go?

10. What does Don say to the police officer, Brad and his wife?

(see the answer keys)

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