90 Minutes in Heaven Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

90 Minutes in Heaven Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who invented the Iliazrov frame?
(a) An American engineer.
(b) A Russian doctor.
(c) An Italian physician.
(d) A Canadian orthopedic surgeon.

2. What kind of car was Don driving?
(a) Ford mustang.
(b) Honda civic.
(c) Ford Escort.
(d) Chrysler minivan.

3. Eventually, which dead loved one greets Don first?
(a) His great uncle.
(b) His mother.
(c) His cousin.
(d) His grandfather.

4. How does Don feel about being dead?
(a) He doesn't think about earth.
(b) He is stunned.
(c) He is completely happy.
(d) He misses his wife.

5. What is the first thing paramedics do upon looking at Don?
(a) Pull him from the car.
(b) Give him an I.V.
(c) Call his wife.
(d) Declare him dead.

6. What do they do everyday to the Iliazrov frame?
(a) Turn the knobs a millimeter.
(b) Clean and sterilize it.
(c) Take it off for a break.
(d) Reverse it to the other side.

7. Why has the justice of peace been called?
(a) To pronounce Don dead.
(b) To give a citation to the truck driver.
(c) To fill out accident forms.
(d) To break up an argument.

8. What was the vehicle that hit Don's car carrying?
(a) Gas.
(b) A large family.
(c) Concrete.
(d) Food.

9. What kind of emotion does Don continue to have?
(a) Joy at being alive.
(b) Depression.
(c) Anticipation of returning to heaven.
(d) Hope that he will leave soon.

10. What happened to Don's car after it was hit?
(a) It was pinned against the bridge.
(b) It slid half-way into the lake.
(c) It slid into two other cars.
(d) It turned over in the median.

11. Of what does Don become aware as he moves towards the gate?
(a) A voice organizing the crowd.
(b) A voice delivering a sermon.
(c) Music.
(d) Drums.

12. Of what does seeing and greeting all the people remind Don?
(a) Family reunions.
(b) Being at a high school football game.
(c) Being in the mall at Christmas time.
(d) Church on Sunday.

13. From what was Don coming home when he had the accident?
(a) A honeymoon.
(b) A week long religious rally.
(c) A Baptist convention.
(d) A football game.

14. What was the road like when it crossed the lake?
(a) Full of curves.
(b) Rough and full of holes.
(c) Narrow with no shoulders.
(d) Wide four lane.

15. How does Don perceive his senses as he looks around?
(a) They are normal.
(b) They are slightly off, like he is drunk.
(c) They are slightly dull.
(d) They are heightened.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the nurses tell him about the patients Don keeps hearing moan and scream?

2. Who does Don see when he first gets to heaven?

3. Who was driving the vehicle that hit Don?

4. What kind of papers does Eva sign the morning after his night in ICU?

5. Why did guards call for help after Don's accident?

(see the answer keys)

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