90 Minutes in Heaven Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

90 Minutes in Heaven Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Don say God has removed?
(a) All thoughts of being human.
(b) The scars from a football injury.
(c) All concept of negativity or worry.
(d) Any love he had for earth.

2. What idea had Don been considering that week?
(a) Having another child.
(b) Starting a new church.
(c) Sending his son to private school.
(d) Having his elderly mother move in with them.

3. What do they do everyday to the Iliazrov frame?
(a) Take it off for a break.
(b) Reverse it to the other side.
(c) Clean and sterilize it.
(d) Turn the knobs a millimeter.

4. Who invented the Iliazrov frame?
(a) A Russian doctor.
(b) An Italian physician.
(c) A Canadian orthopedic surgeon.
(d) An American engineer.

5. What does Eva request of the nursing staff?
(a) They cut off all visitors but her.
(b) They allow more than just family in.
(c) They set up a bigger room for him.
(d) They limit Don's visitors.

6. What is the first thing paramedics do upon looking at Don?
(a) Give him an I.V.
(b) Call his wife.
(c) Pull him from the car.
(d) Declare him dead.

7. What interferes with the hospital taking X-rays of Don?
(a) All the metal inside him.
(b) He is afraid of x-rays in his body.
(c) He shakes so it can't stay still.
(d) Not being able to get out of bed.

8. Eventually, which dead loved one greets Don first?
(a) His grandfather.
(b) His great uncle.
(c) His cousin.
(d) His mother.

9. Who prays for Don's survival while he was in the car?
(a) A small child.
(b) A Baptist minister.
(c) His wife.
(d) A Catholic priest.

10. Who does Don see when he first gets to heaven?
(a) Two angels.
(b) No one.
(c) A large crowd of people.
(d) Jesus.

11. What does Don realize about the people he sees?
(a) They were all older than him.
(b) They weren't all Christians.
(c) All have influenced his life.
(d) The are all sad to see him there.

12. What does one of the EMT persons tell Don about the red car?
(a) It was smashed up badly.
(b) They will be moving the car shortly.
(c) The person in it is dead.
(d) The person in it could use last rites.

13. From what place was Don driving when he was struck?
(a) Church of the Woods.
(b) Canuga.
(c) Baptist Regional Center.
(d) Trinity Pines.

14. What does Don believe as he thinks about the circumstances surrounding his accident?
(a) That he will never drive again.
(b) That it should not have happened.
(c) That God has a purpose for him to live.
(d) That he wants to sue the prison.

15. Who was driving the vehicle that hit Don?
(a) An inmate from the prison.
(b) Another Baptist minister.
(c) His brother.
(d) A Texas Ranger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the doctors find out about Don's breathing tube?

2. What does Dick decide to sing after he prays for Don?

3. Why does Don exhaust himself with his visitors?

4. What happened to the driver of the vehicle that hit Don's car?

5. How does Don feel about being dead?

(see the answer keys)

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