84, Charing Cross Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

84, Charing Cross Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What year is the Volume II of the Works and Life of Sir Walter Savage Landor that is sent to Helene published?
(a) 1776.
(b) 1923.
(c) 1876.
(d) 1893.

2. Cecily's first letter to Helene describes Frank as being ___________.
(a) An older gentleman.
(b) Single.
(c) Quite nice looking.
(d) Stuffy.

3. Cecily invites Helene to stay with her parents where?
(a) Middlesex.
(b) Tuscany.
(c) London.
(d) Manchester.

4. What does Helene joke that the proprietors of Marks & Co. should inform the Church of England about?
(a) How many Christian relatives Helene has.
(b) How badly they translated the Latin Bible.
(c) How vulgar they are.
(d) How badly they treat Jews.

5. Why does Helene spend her days wearing sweaters and wool slacks?
(a) The landlord turns the heat off during the day.
(b) Her store is rarely heated.
(c) The library is often cold.
(d) Her classroom is drafty.

6. How does Frank sign off in most his letters to Helene?
(a) With highest regard.
(b) Regards.
(c) Yours faithfully.
(d) Sincerely.

7. What was the name of the professor who first got Helene interested in books?
(a) Quiller-Couch.
(b) Quentin Conch.
(c) Captain Quillen.
(d) Couch Quinery.

8. What does Marks & Co. apologize to Helene for in the November 26, 1949 letter?
(a) The poor condition of the books.
(b) The long silence between letters.
(c) The Latin Bible.
(d) The incorrect billing amount.

9. What month and year does Helene start her correspondence with Marks & Co.?
(a) May, 1949.
(b) October, 1949.
(c) September, 1950.
(d) June, 1950.

10. What is the complete name of the anthology Helene requests Frank send her in late 1950?
(a) The Parish Guild.
(b) The Complete works of Q.
(c) The Pilgrim's Way.
(d) The Penguin's Path.

11. Cecily's letter says that Mr. Martin thinks Helene has _____________.
(a) A wonderful sense of humor.
(b) A mean streak.
(c) Odd taste in literature.
(d) Mental instability.

12. What kind of books does Helene's friend Brian buy for a living?
(a) Rare first editions.
(b) Poetry.
(c) History.
(d) Physics.

13. How many eggs per month are Londoners rationed per person in 1949?
(a) Six.
(b) Five.
(c) Twelve.
(d) One.

14. What did Cecily's children enjoy most from Helene's Easter package?
(a) Toys.
(b) Chocolate candy.
(c) Raisins and eggs.
(d) Coconut.

15. Helene specifically says she does not want any love poems from whom?
(a) Dickenson or Frost.
(b) Keats or Shelley.
(c) Wyatt or Jonson.
(d) Shakespeare or Wadsworth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of England does Helene dream of finding?

2. What does Helene send in her Christmas package to Marks & Co?

3. What does Marks & Co. specialize in?

4. How long does it take Helene to get a reply from Marks & Co. to her first letter?

5. What does Helene do when she received the first edition from Frank in 1950?

(see the answer keys)

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