84, Charing Cross Road Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

84, Charing Cross Road Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Letters, 1951 - 1953.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who helps Helene translate British pounds into American dollars?
(a) Her neighbor's boyfriend.
(b) Her British neighbor.
(c) Her niece's boyfriend.
(d) Her British niece.

2. What does Marks & Co. apologize to Helene for in the November 26, 1949 letter?
(a) The long silence between letters.
(b) The Latin Bible.
(c) The poor condition of the books.
(d) The incorrect billing amount.

3. Helene is afraid the Easter Bunny will find that Frank has died of ____________.
(a) Inertia.
(b) Gluttony.
(c) Greed.
(d) Boredom.

4. What dental work does Helene have to have done in the fall of 1952?
(a) Gum surgery.
(b) Her teeth capped.
(c) A root canal.
(d) Her wisdom teeth removed.

5. After receiving the Bibles, what book does Helene request next from Marks & Co.?
(a) Imaginary Conversations.
(b) Alice in Wonderland.
(c) Greek Myths.
(d) Aesop's Tales.

Short Answer Questions

1. Maxine thought Marks & Co. had a ____________ smell.

2. What does Helene request that Frank ask the other employees to vote on in October 1951?

3. What type of essays does Frank let Helene know he is sending her in February 1951?

4. Cecily Farr asks Helene to keep her letter a secret from whom?

5. Where did Helene see the ad for Marks & Co., prompting her to write them?

(see the answer key)

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