2nd Chance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2nd Chance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lindsay find at Estelle Chipman's crime scene in chapter thirteen?
(a) A shell casing.
(b) A picture of Tasha.
(c) A bulletin from Aaron Winslow's church.
(d) A two headed lion drawn on the floor.

2. What is the killer in the shadow of when he positions on the roof top in chapter twenty-five?
(a) A bilboard for anti-smoking.
(b) An old apartment building.
(c) The Bay Bridge.
(d) An elm tree.

3. In chapter eight why has the gunman chosen the arcade he is in?
(a) It is close to where he works.
(b) Because of the games they offer.
(c) He is the only white guy there.
(d) He is meeting a friend there.

4. What does Cindy tell Lindsay in chapter seven when she says that Mercer is telling the world that Lindsay is going to solve the case before it happens again?
(a) It already has happened again.
(b) She thinks that Mercer knows who it is.
(c) She doesn't think it is possible.
(d) She thinks it is a group and they are planning a wave of these attacks.

5. What does the killer fasten onto his gun in chapter twenty-five?
(a) Infared sight.
(b) His lucky charm.
(c) Silencer.
(d) A high powered scope.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lindsay say that the killer would have to have been to set up the shots that killed Tasha?

2. What is found during the autopsy of the elderly black woman that leads Cindy to believe the woman did not commit suicide?

3. What does Claire say about the bullets that went in Tasha?

4. What does Lindsay say to tell Mercer in chapter twelve when someone says that he is looking for her?

5. What is the killer wearing in chapter twenty-five?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the conversation that Claire and Lindsay have in chapter twenty-three.

2. What happens in chapter sixteen when Jill tells her exciting news?

3. Describe the scene in the prologue when the shooting starts.

4. Describe the scene in chapter fifteen when Lindsay meets the girls at the bar.

5. What is Lindsay told when she asks if anyone saw anything in chapter four?

6. What does Lindsay learn when she goes to look at the case file for Estelle Chipman?

7. What does Lindsay discover when she goes to the morgue to talk to Claire in chapter eleven?

8. What does Ron call Lindsay to tell her they found out about Estelle Chipman in chapter twenty-one?

9. What does Lindsay explain about her parents?

10. What file does Lindsay take note of in chapter twenty-four while going through the files that have been given her in relation to the hate crimes?

(see the answer keys)

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