2nd Chance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2nd Chance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lindsay's father say when she asks if he still bets?
(a) Only on the Giants.
(b) Only in his mind.
(c) When funds allow it.
(d) From time to time.

2. What does Cindy tell Aaron Winslow that she enjoys doing after work sometimes?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Yoga.
(c) Painting.
(d) Dancing.

3. What does Evans say when Lindsay asks how they can get in touch with a particular member of Evans old gang, Mac, to talk?
(a) Mac is in San Quentin.
(b) Mac is in a wheel chair.
(c) No one has seen him in months.
(d) Mac was blown up.

4. What does the man on the phone asks Claire in chapter sixty-seven?
(a) If she wants to scream out for God or her husband before she dies.
(b) If she has missed him.
(c) If she remembers his voice.
(d) If she has anything in common with the first four victims.

5. What does Cindy explain gave the skin under Estelle Chipman's nails the appearance of being something other than Caucasian?
(a) Tattoo ink.
(b) A special kind of camouflage paint used by the army.
(c) Spray tan.
(d) Spray paint.

6. What does Lindsay notice when she is driving home in chapter fifty?
(a) A white Toyota following her.
(b) One of her tail lights isn't working.
(c) She has lost her cell phone.
(d) There is an envelope in her car.

7. What does Cindy say she has learned about the killer in chapter twenty-nine?
(a) The killer has mites living under the skin.
(b) The killer is white.
(c) The killer has a skin pigment condition.
(d) The killer is Asian.

8. What does Richard Evans NOT have on him when Jacobi brought him in?
(a) Five-inch hunter's blade.
(b) Palm-sized Beretta.
(c) Marijuana.
(d) Crank.

9. Who comes into the police station with Mercer in chapter thirty-six?
(a) The wife of Davidson.
(b) The governor.
(c) Tha mayor.
(d) Aaron Winslow.

10. What does Lorraine tell Lindsay in chapter thirty-six?
(a) They have another eye witness to bring in.
(b) The killer is on the line.
(c) There was some information found at Davidson's murder scene.
(d) They found one of the bikers.

11. What does the sign at Pelican Bay explain as you go in?
(a) That the guards do not carry guns.
(b) That there are dogs loose on the premises.
(c) That you are on your own if you are taken hostage.
(d) That there is no one allowed inside without protection.

12. What does Mercer tell Lindsay in chapter forty-two that she hadn't known about Mercer?
(a) He had dated her mother.
(b) He has been given a notice that he is going to be fired.
(c) He had worked with her father.
(d) He is getting divorced.

13. What do Cindy and Aaron Winslow find that they have in common?
(a) They both have pets.
(b) They both come from large families.
(c) They are both divorced.
(d) They both like jazz.

14. What does Lindsay say she thinks is fueling the murders in chapter thirty-six?
(a) She is not sure yet.
(b) A religous motivation.
(c) Hate.
(d) A personal vendeta.

15. What does Aaron Winslow say that Tasha wanted to be when she grew up at her funeral service?
(a) A veterinarian.
(b) An architect.
(c) A teacher.
(d) A policeman, like her uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lindsay NOT say that the Templars have been implicated in?

2. What does Weiscz say when Lindsay tells him that she gave him something, even if it was only for a moment?

3. What were they able to match from Davidson's murder scene and Mercer's murder scene?

4. What does Lindsay say when she is asked why she is there at Davidson's murder scene?

5. What does Lindsay call Cindy when they meet in chapter fifty-seven?

(see the answer keys)

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