2nd Chance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2nd Chance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lorraine tell Lindsay in chapter thirty-six?
(a) There was some information found at Davidson's murder scene.
(b) They have another eye witness to bring in.
(c) The killer is on the line.
(d) They found one of the bikers.

2. What does Evans tell Lindsay about the club when she lays down pictures in chapter thirty-eight?
(a) Club disbanded.
(b) They have changed their name.
(c) They were picked up by the FBI.
(d) They got taken over by another gang.

3. During Tasha's funeral what does Aaron Winslow say that the world does in the face of its worst possible dead in chapter twenty-seven?
(a) Mend itself.
(b) Begins to transform.
(c) Nothing if we don't make it happen.
(d) Breaks.

4. What does the man on the phone asks Claire in chapter sixty-seven?
(a) If she has anything in common with the first four victims.
(b) If she has missed him.
(c) If she wants to scream out for God or her husband before she dies.
(d) If she remembers his voice.

5. What does Claire say she thinks is possible after her examination of Mercer's body.
(a) She thinks the killer was trying to kill Mercer slowly.
(b) She thinks the shot to the head was the first shot.
(c) She thinks that Mercer had been poisoned before being shot.
(d) She thinks Mercer died after the first shot.

6. What does Stu first suggest that they do with the photograph that Lindsay gives him in the beginning of chapter twenty-six?
(a) Ask the local gangs.
(b) Send it out over the wire.
(c) Call the FBI.
(d) Mail it to Quantico.

7. What is Lindsay told that Weiscz did to get sent to Pelican Bay?
(a) Blew up a Grey Hound bus.
(b) Took a classroom hostage and killed the non-white children.
(c) Killed ten fellow inmates.
(d) Killed a black prison guard.

8. What does Weiscz say when Lindsay tells him she is investigating four murders?
(a) He hasn't read the news papers lately.
(b) He doesn't worry himself about such things.
(c) It is a hard and scary world out there.
(d) His alibi is air tight.

9. What does Cindy say that she used to name Lindsay in her article in chapter twenty-six?
(a) Source Close to the Investigation.
(b) Annonymous Witness.
(c) Unnknown Source.
(d) Unnamed Contact.

10. Why does Evans first say that he will not talk to Lindsay in chapter thirty-seven?
(a) He doesn't know what they are talking about.
(b) He doesn't have a lawyer present.
(c) He wasn't read his rights.
(d) She has no jurisdiction in Vallejo.

11. What does Mercer's wife say the doctor had found in Mercer's pocket?
(a) A key.
(b) A book.
(c) A photograph.
(d) A phone number.

12. What does Mercer buy while at Kim's shop in chapter forty-three?
(a) Tomatoes.
(b) Strawberries.
(c) Blueberries.
(d) Blackberries.

13. What does Claire suggest that Lindsay do for her father in chapter fifty-five?
(a) Invite him to stay at her place.
(b) Go with him to visit her mother's grave.
(c) Cook him a meal.
(d) Take him to a ball game.

14. What does Cindy tell Aaron Winslow that she enjoys doing after work sometimes?
(a) Dancing.
(b) Painting.
(c) Yoga.
(d) Cooking.

15. What does Lindsay NOT say that the Templars have been implicated in?
(a) Murder for hire.
(b) Aggravated violence.
(c) Blackmail.
(d) Weapons traffic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Cindy and Aaron Winslow find that they have in common?

2. What was Lindsay doing when she heard the news about Mercer?

3. What does Cindy say she has learned about the killer in chapter twenty-nine?

4. What does Cindy say that Aaron Winslow reminds her of?

5. What does Lindsay's father say is the connection that Coombs had with Mercer?

(see the answer keys)

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