2nd Chance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2nd Chance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter twenty-two when Cindy is recalling her interview with Aaron Winslow what was it about Winslow that had impressed her?
(a) How handsome he was.
(b) The passion he had for the people in the community.
(c) How eloquently he spoke.
(d) His humbleness.

2. What had happened to Lindsay's mother?
(a) She died in a car accident.
(b) She left town when Lindsay was little.
(c) She died of breast cancer.
(d) Lindsay was adopted.

3. What does Lindsay tell Claire about when she asks what precisely she would be looking for?
(a) The hair found on Tasha's bag.
(b) The dirt found on Estelle's dress.
(c) The skin from under Estelle's fingernails.
(d) The bruises found on Estelle's back.

4. What strikes Lindsay as odd in the end of chapter two after surveying the crime scene?
(a) That there is someone in the crowd taking pictures.
(b) That the street is one that her old partner used to live on.
(c) That Tasha was the only one hit.
(d) That Tasha's parents are not there.

5. What happened to Lindsay's father?
(a) She never knew her father.
(b) He divorced Lindsay's mother for another woman.
(c) He died in the line of duty.
(d) He left town when she was younger and never came back.

6. How does Aaron Winslow explain that he knew what kind of gun it was and how many rounds it held?
(a) He used to sell guns for a living.
(b) He is a gun enthusiast.
(c) He was in desert storm.
(d) He grew up in a bad neighborhood.

7. In chapter twenty-one what does Jacobi say that they have learned about the killer?
(a) He is quick.
(b) He is thourough.
(c) He has a sense of humor.
(d) He is a local.

8. What does the M.E. tell Lindsay when she says it is amazing that one of the bullets found its way into Tasha when there had been so many fired at the church?
(a) There were two bullets in Tasha.
(b) That the bullets in Tasha were different from the others.
(c) That there is another victim that they have found.
(d) That Tasha had been shot from a different angle.

9. What did the killer take a picture of that he is adding to his book in chapter eighteen?
(a) Tasha's dead body.
(b) Estelle Chipman as she was dying.
(c) Estelle Chipman just before he kicked the chair out from under her.
(d) Tasha as she was falling to the ground.

10. What does Jacobi ask Lindsay after seeing the police artist drawing of the decal that the boy had seen?
(a) If this guy works for Disney.
(b) If they are looking for the Pokemon killer.
(c) If this guy is part of the sick-o Justice League.
(d) If this guy is eleven years old himself.

11. What does Mercer tell Lindsay that she left behind when she became a Lieutenant?
(a) The right to be wrong.
(b) The luxury of letting someone else take the lead.
(c) The ability to pass the buck.
(d) The right to let her personal pain affect her work.

12. What does Lindsay say to tell Mercer in chapter twelve when someone says that he is looking for her?
(a) That she is investigating a murder.
(b) That she really isn't that concerned with him right now.
(c) To call her later on her cell.
(d) That she will get back with him the next day.

13. What news does Lorraine give Lindsay in chapter nineteen?
(a) They have an eye witness that has come in.
(b) There has been another killing.
(c) They have found the van.
(d) Someone has confessed to the murders.

14. What does Claire say about the bullets that went in Tasha?
(a) They were both ricochets.
(b) They hit her after she was on the ground.
(c) They came from two different guns.
(d) They went in almost the same hole.

15. What is Lindsay thinking she needs to go home and do in chapter twenty-four?
(a) Call her sister.
(b) Take her dog for a run.
(c) Call Cindy.
(d) Have a hot bath and a cold drink.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the killer notice when he enters the lobby of the building?

2. What is Lindsay's instincts telling her to do in chapter twenty-four?

3. What does Cindy say she has come to the church for in chapter twenty-two?

4. What is the killer in the shadow of when he positions on the roof top in chapter twenty-five?

5. What is Lindsay told about Estelle Chipman's case when she talks to one of the cops on the case in chapter twelve?

(see the answer keys)

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