26 Fairmount Avenue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

26 Fairmount Avenue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Tomie sent somewhere during the move to the big house?
(a) To make the surprise better.
(b) To use his skills.
(c) To keep him out of the way.
(d) To help Tom.

2. What are the burlap bags used for in the backyard project?
(a) To control the fire.
(b) To spread seeds.
(c) To catch bugs.
(d) To collect weeds.

3. Who plows the backyard?
(a) Tomie and Buddy.
(b) Mr. Tony.
(c) Joe.
(d) Someone Joe hires.

4. What does Nell tell Tomie to do to get the help he wants?
(a) Pray.
(b) Write.
(c) Work.
(d) Ask.

5. Where does Tomie's mother go on New Year's Eve?
(a) The city council.
(b) The new house.
(c) The Elk's Club.
(d) The college hall.

6. When does the backyard project begin?
(a) On the weekends.
(b) Fall break.
(c) After school starts.
(d) During the harvest.

7. When does Tomie meet Miss Burke?
(a) The last day of school.
(b) The day before school.
(c) The third day of school.
(d) The first day of school.

8. What does Mrs. Crane give her kids to celebrate New Year's Eve with?
(a) Hats.
(b) Money.
(c) Drums.
(d) Brownies.

9. What kind of doll does Carol get for Christmas?
(a) Shirley Temple.
(b) Baby.
(c) Porceline.
(d) Barbie.

10. What kind of storm hits in Chapter 7?
(a) Rain.
(b) Snow.
(c) Ice.
(d) Wind.

11. How does Tomie feel about helping with the backyard project?
(a) Nervous.
(b) Tired.
(c) Little.
(d) Excited.

12. What are the items Tomie's father collects used to build?
(a) A stove.
(b) A monument.
(c) A fence.
(d) A mailbox.

13. What fixes the problem at the new house after the storm?
(a) The rain stops.
(b) The clouds open for a day.
(c) The ice melts.
(d) The mud freezes.

14. What is the name of Charlie's girlfriend?
(a) Valerie.
(b) Violet.
(c) Viva.
(d) Veronica.

15. Where does Tomie go during the move to the new house?
(a) School.
(b) Wallingford.
(c) The movies.
(d) The back yard.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who stays with Tomie during the move to the new house?

2. Who does Carol remind Tomie of?

3. Why does Tomie choose to go back to school after his first day?

4. What is the last step of the backyard project?

5. What does Tomie call the tool used to finish the backyard?

(see the answer keys)

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