24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Greg Iles
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24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Karen help Hickey after she injures him?
(a) She gives him the ransom money.
(b) She gives him her cell phone.
(c) She surrenders.
(d) She stitches his wound.

2. Margaret McDill is anxiously awaiting the arrival of whom in the beginning of the book?
(a) Her friend.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her son.
(d) Her cousin.

3. After Cheryl first explains the kidnapping, Will knows that he has to do what in order to help his daughter and wife?
(a) Obtain Cheryl's help.
(b) Kill the kidnapper.
(c) Escape from the hotel.
(d) Not get the ransom money.

4. While Karen is holding Hickey at gunpoint, who does she make a phone call to?
(a) Abby.
(b) Will.
(c) Huey.
(d) The police.

5. Dr. McDill and his wife discuss their kidnapping story with whom?
(a) Karen Jennings.
(b) The local police.
(c) Will Jennings.
(d) Special Agent Chalmers.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are the McDills going to identify the kidnappers?

2. Karen is able to talk to who while Will continues to talk to the cell phone provider?

3. How old is Abby when she is kidnapped?

4. Who is the only outside character who knows where Abby truly is during the kidnapping?

5. How does Will say goodbye to his daughter?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what happens when Abby finds the cell phone in Chapter 8.

2. In Chapter 10, what evidence is given that Huey will do anything that Hickey asks him?

3. Describe how Abby's health makes the kidnapping different from the others, as described in Chapter 4.

4. What important information about Cheryl is revealed in Chapter 5 when Will tries to get Cheryl's gun?

5. Explain Joe Hickey's, Huey Cotton's, and Cheryl Lynn Tilly's typical kidnapping scheme, as described in Chapter 1.

6. Even though Will was told not to trace the cell phone call, in Chapter 9 why does he do it anyway?

7. Describe the story that Will Jennings is instructed to tell his accountant, as described in Chapter 3.

8. What type of meeting is Will the keynote speaker at, as described in Chapter 2?

9. What danger comes about for Abby when the McDill's go to the FBI about their son's kidnapping in Chapter 9?

10. Why is Margaret McDill convinced that she and her son Peter will surely be murdered, in Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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