24 Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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24 Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Will and Cheryl's plane departure delayed?
(a) They miss their original flight.
(b) There is traffic-jam on the way to the airport.
(c) There is a terrible thunder-storm.
(d) The military is running drills.

2. What does Will have to take with him as he leaves the bank?
(a) Special Agent Chalmer's gun.
(b) The GPS tracker.
(c) A fake ID.
(d) The ransom money.

3. How many of the previous fathers have given in to Cheryl's offer to have sex?
(a) 0.
(b) 3.
(c) All of them.
(d) 2.

4. Who is the first character which Hickey shoots?
(a) Will.
(b) Stephanie Morgan.
(c) Cheryl.
(d) Dr. McDill.

5. Who does Karen call to inform that Abby is in danger no matter what after she learns of Hickey's plans for revenge?
(a) Huey.
(b) Will.
(c) Dr. McDill.
(d) The FBI.

6. Karen is asked to go to the Coliseum to deal with what problem?
(a) Karen's car was found there in the parking lot.
(b) Pigs were left inside.
(c) Cows were left inside.
(d) Abby was found there.

7. What question of Karen's does Hickey refuse to answer in Chapter 11 as Karen helps Hickey?
(a) How much ransom is.
(b) Where Abby is located.
(c) Why her family was targeted.
(d) Who is the woman with Will.

8. What is Will's reasoning as to why the FBI are following Hickey?
(a) The McDills going to the FBI.
(b) The FBI were following a gut-feeling.
(c) Karen went to the FBI.
(d) Will admitts contacting the FBI.

9. Abby is beginning to become ill because she ate what substance that Huey allowed her have?
(a) A whole box of cookies.
(b) Several bowls of Captain Crunch cereal.
(c) Cake.
(d) Peanuts.

10. Will suggests that FBI take what action in order to find Abby?
(a) Use search canines all over the area where the signal was detected.
(b) Bring physicians along to help Abby.
(c) Be fully prepared to kill Hickey and Huey.
(d) Fly a helicopter in the area where the signal has been detected.

11. What special arrangements does Will make for Huey, at the conclusion of the book?
(a) Make arrangments to make sure Hickey will not be able to find him.
(b) To have him admitted to the psychiatric ward at the hospital.
(c) Will makes sure Huey is charged as much for the crime as Hickey would have been.
(d) To not press charges against him.

12. Who is Cheryl most afraid of throughout the whole story?
(a) Karen.
(b) Will.
(c) Huey.
(d) Hickey.

13. How does Will attempt, at first, to get Cheryl to relax as he tries to get information about Hickey's motives?
(a) He attempts to be friendly.
(b) He tells her he wants to sleep with her.
(c) He tries to get her extremely drunk.
(d) He tries to scare her.

14. At the broker's office, what does Karen do?
(a) She runs away.
(b) She tells the broker not to give Hickey the money.
(c) She does exactly what she is told.
(d) She gets the broker to call the police.

15. Where does Hickey tell Will to stay after Hickey discovers how the FBI got their information about the kidnapping?
(a) In the casino.
(b) In his hotel room.
(c) In the cabin.
(d) Back at the Jenning's home.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Will meet at the manager's office at the bank?

2. Where does Will attempt to land the plane, as he tries to rescue his family?

3. As Hickey and Karen are on the highway what does Hickey become aware of?

4. As Will is rescuing Abby, what does Abby ask him to do?

5. Huey crashes his car into what object, as Will attempts to rescue Abby?

(see the answer keys)

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