24 Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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24 Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Huey talks to Hickey, while at the airport Karen knows she must get to Abby to do what?
(a) Give her the proper medication.
(b) Get her away from Huey.
(c) Bring her to the hospital.
(d) Give her clean clothes.

2. What does Cheryl convince Hickey her and Will are doing when he calls her?
(a) She and Will are gambling at the hotel casino.
(b) She and Will are driving back to the hotel.
(c) She just dropped Will off at the hotel.
(d) She and Will are at a bar in Biloxi.

3. Even though Ferris still is not able to locate the cell phone signal, what is the next action he wants to take?
(a) Finally contact the FBI.
(b) Give-up on ever trying to find a signal.
(c) Talk to the local police about the situation.
(d) Try to call the cell phone over and over.

4. Who is the trunk of the car that Hickey is driving away from the airport?
(a) Another kidnapped child.
(b) The owner of the car.
(c) The owner of a stolen suitcase.
(d) Abby.

5. How many more kidnappings does Hickey plan to perform after his current one?
(a) 1 each year until he is caught.
(b) 5 more.
(c) 1 until he receives enough money to move to his ranch.
(d) None.

6. What does Huey leave behind in the cabin?
(a) His cell phone.
(b) Abby.
(c) His wallet.
(d) The ransom money.

7. Where does Cheryl tell Will that Abby is when they are able to speak on the phone?
(a) At home with Karen and Huey.
(b) In a cabin in the country.
(c) In another room in the hotel.
(d) That she is already dead.

8. Where does Hickey plan to take Karen first in order to get the police off their trail?
(a) The bus station.
(b) A motel.
(c) To meet Will and Cheryl.
(d) The airport.

9. How much money does Will try to give to Cheryl in a last attempt to receive her help?
(a) $1,000,000.
(b) $200.000.
(c) $350,000.
(d) $500.000.

10. Where does Cheryl tell Will to take the ransom money?
(a) To the cabin.
(b) Take it directly to the bank.
(c) Directly to Hickey.
(d) To a motel.

11. When Hickey finally reveals what his final plan is, what does it include?
(a) To let Karen live, but he is still going to kill Abby.
(b) To kill Karen, Abby, and Will.
(c) To take the money and let everyone live.
(d) To kill both Karen and Abby.

12. Ferris reluctantly agrees to call the FBI under what condition?
(a) If Cheryl gives Will more information.
(b) If they find the cabin.
(c) If Abby calls Karen again.
(d) If they can find Hickey.

13. Where does Will attempt to land the plane, as he tries to rescue his family?
(a) Close to the cabin where Abby is.
(b) Next to Huey's car.
(c) In front of Huey's car.
(d) Close to Hickey and Karen.

14. How many of the previous fathers have given in to Cheryl's offer to have sex?
(a) 0.
(b) All of them.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

15. How does Karen learn about Hickey's motives of revenge for the kidnapping?
(a) She forces the information out of him at gunpoint.
(b) He starts drinking heavily and tells her.
(c) Huey tells her.
(d) Will tells her over the phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the first character which Hickey shoots?

2. At the broker's office, what does Karen do?

3. Who shows up at the Jennings's home before Karen and Hickey are able to leave for the accountant's office?

4. What information does Karen inform Will of when he calls her in Chapter 14?

5. Where do Karen and Hickey get dressed to go in the morning after the kidnapping occurs?

(see the answer keys)

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