24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Greg Iles
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24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Huey doing when Abby tries to run away?
(a) Talking to Hickey on the phone.
(b) Going to the bathroom.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Getting food for Abby.

2. Karen really uses her time alone in the bathroom to do what?
(a) Find medication to drug Hickey.
(b) Call the police.
(c) Call her husband.
(d) Find a weapon.

3. Who turns out to be the kidnapper's third partner?
(a) Joe Hickey.
(b) Margaret McDill.
(c) Peter McDill.
(d) Cheryl Lynn Tilly.

4. Karen is the chairperson of what organization?
(a) The Junior League baseball card exhibit.
(b) The Mississippi Medical Association.
(c) The Junior League flower show.
(d) The Junior beauty pagnant.

5. How long do the kidnappers typically keep their victims?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 24 hours.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 2 days.

6. When Will's lecture is over, his friends try to convince Will to do what?
(a) Go gambling.
(b) Go out drinking.
(c) Go golfing.
(d) Do another speech.

7. What does Hickey hit Karen on the head with?
(a) A book.
(b) A baseball bat.
(c) One of Abby's toys.
(d) The phone.

8. Which character arrives at the McDonald's lot and finishes a carving of a bear?
(a) Joe Hickey.
(b) Huey Cotton.
(c) Peter McDill.
(d) Margaret McDill.

9. What major character does Will first notice while giving his speech?
(a) His daughter.
(b) A old-friend who he has not talked to in 5 years.
(c) The kidnapper's partner Huey Cotton.
(d) The kidnapper's wife Cheryl Lynn Tilly.

10. How is the president of the cell phone provider connected to the one of the characters in the book?
(a) The president is Margaret McDill.
(b) The president is Abby's grandfather.
(c) The president is one of Will's former patients.
(d) Hickey is the president of the cell phone privider.

11. When Peter finds his mother what is his reaction?
(a) He is afraid because of her wild, unusual appearance.
(b) He begins to cry.
(c) He becomes extremely excited and runs to her.
(d) He is mad at her.

12. When Abby finally wakes-up from the chloroform, where is she?
(a) In the hospital.
(b) On a boat.
(c) In a cabin in the woods.
(d) In a hotel.

13. How many mothers did Karen find out that Hickey has raped?
(a) 7 mothers.
(b) 1 mother.
(c) 5 mothers.
(d) 3 mothers.

14. Will and Karen are given no choice but to conclude the kidnapping by __________.
(a) Continuing to call the police.
(b) Conceding like the families before them.
(c) Killing Hickey.
(d) Running away and trying to find Abby themselves.

15. Who knocks on Karen's door right after Hickey explains his kidnapping scheme to Karen?
(a) The kidnapper's partner.
(b) A fellow junior league member.
(c) Huey Cotton.
(d) A family friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Karen continue to think about as she is dancing for Hickey?

2. Where does Karen hide the scalpel?

3. What does Will offer Cheryl in return if she helps him?

4. Who is the only outside character who knows where Abby truly is during the kidnapping?

5. What is the kidnapper's excuse to not let Karen go to the bank?

(see the answer keys)

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