24 Hours Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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24 Hours Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 11-12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hickey threaten Will with if the police get involved?
(a) Hickey will kill Karen.
(b) Huey will be given the order to kill Abby.
(c) Abby will taken out of the country.
(d) Will will become Hickey next victim.

2. What breakfast food does Hickey force Karen to make after Karen learns the truth about why her family was targeted for the kidnapping?
(a) Scrambled eggs.
(b) Pancakes.
(c) Waffles.
(d) An omelet.

3. What event happens when Hickey regains control of the kidnapping after it appears that Abby is going to be saved in Chapter 10?
(a) The police are notified and do not respond.
(b) Hickey rapes Karen.
(c) Will is injured.
(d) Huey finds Abby.

4. How does Karen learn about Hickey's motives of revenge for the kidnapping?
(a) She forces the information out of him at gunpoint.
(b) Will tells her over the phone.
(c) He starts drinking heavily and tells her.
(d) Huey tells her.

5. What major character does Will first notice while giving his speech?
(a) A old-friend who he has not talked to in 5 years.
(b) His daughter.
(c) The kidnapper's wife Cheryl Lynn Tilly.
(d) The kidnapper's partner Huey Cotton.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the FBI want to have completed before the kidnappers are tipped-off that they are suspects in the kidnapping crime?

2. Back in Jackson, Dr. James McDill is trying to convince his wife to take what action?

3. After Abby is discovered by Huey after she ran away, where is she taken?

4. How much money will Will convince his accountant to transfer?

5. What is Cheryl's response when asked why the Jennings family was targeted?

(see the answer key)

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