22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Medium

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Medium

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aurek think of doing to Tony?
(a) Reporting him to the police.
(b) Telling his step family about his side business.
(c) Stabbing him.
(d) Poisoning him.

2. Where does Tony bring Aurek and Silvana?
(a) To France.
(b) To his boat.
(c) His house by the sea.
(d) To his shop.

3. What does Helene ask Janusz to do despite risk of arrest?
(a) To go to England.
(b) To go to Spain.
(c) To marry her.
(d) Stay with her.

4. Who kills the German soldier?
(a) Marysia.
(b) Gregor.
(c) Ela.
(d) Silvana.

5. How do Tony and Silvana arrange to see each other?
(a) When Silvana pretends to go to work.
(b) When the boys get together.
(c) When Janusz works.
(d) When the boys are in school.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who babysits Aurek as Janusz and Silvana go to the movie?

2. What does Tony tell Silvana she should pose as to avoid tarnishing her reputation?

3. Who is found with Marysia?

4. What does Silvana know is a mistake?

5. What did not bring Janusz the peace he expected?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Silvana find out about her personal belongings in "Poland"?

2. What does Silvana start to realize about Tony in "Felixstowe"?

3. What develops for Silvana in "Ipswich"?

4. Who tends to Janusz in "Poland" and why?

5. What does Silvana decide with some relief in "Ipswich"?

6. What changes for Janusz at work in "Ipswich"?

7. What happens between Silvana and Gregor a year after Silvana left Warsaw?

8. What does Janusz learn as he waits for Bruno to return?

9. What does Silvana learn when Peter's grandmother comes to visit?

10. What does Janusz cling to in "Ipswich"?

(see the answer keys)

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