22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Janusz do after returning home?
(a) Burns Helene's letters.
(b) Reads Helene's letters.
(c) Drinks.
(d) Calls Silvana.

2. What does Silvana see in Tony's eyes for the first time?
(a) Love.
(b) Anger.
(c) Peace.
(d) Fear.

3. Whose arms does Aurek fall from the tree into?
(a) Peter's arms.
(b) Janusz's arms.
(c) Tony's arms.
(d) Silvana's arms.

4. What does Silvana receive for her birthday?
(a) A new car.
(b) A ring.
(c) A television.
(d) A new dress.

5. Who stole Silvana's possessions?
(a) Marysia.
(b) Gregor.
(c) A German soldier.
(d) Ela.

6. What does Aurek do after running out?
(a) Goes to his father.
(b) Goes to the pet sotre.
(c) Goes to hide in the woods.
(d) Goes see Peter.

7. What does Helene ask Janusz to do despite risk of arrest?
(a) To go to Spain.
(b) To go to England.
(c) To marry her.
(d) Stay with her.

8. Who does Silvana run into at the beach?
(a) Janusz.
(b) George.
(c) Doris.
(d) Tony.

9. What does Silvana decide to do on the way to Janusz?
(a) Tell Janusz to go back to Poland.
(b) Tell him the truth about Aurek.
(c) Tell Janusz that she wants a divorce.
(d) Pretend Aurek lied.

10. Why does Aurek go after the rook's nest?
(a) To make a pen holder with the nest.
(b) To bring a gift to his father.
(c) To eat it.
(d) To get a feather.

11. Who kills the German soldier?
(a) Gregor.
(b) Marysia.
(c) Silvana.
(d) Ela.

12. What are Janusz, Doris and Gilbert about to do when they see Aurek approaching?
(a) Go for a walk.
(b) Go repair the car.
(c) Go for tea.
(d) Go to the movie.

13. Where is Silvana returning from when she sees Janusz?
(a) From a restaurant.
(b) The beach.
(c) Clearning her clothes.
(d) The store.

14. Where does Silvana sleep the night of her birthday?
(a) In Aurek's bed.
(b) With Tony.
(c) At Doris's.
(d) In the couch.

15. What does Janusz wonder as he sits alone in the house?
(a) He should be going back to Poland.
(b) He should buy a farm.
(c) He should check the local Communist party.
(d) He should have gone back to Helene.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Janusz sent to recover?

2. How do Tony and Silvana arrange to see each other?

3. Who is Silvana living with a year after leaving Warsaw?

4. What is Silvana relieved to see when she comes home after leaving Tony?

5. What does Helene understand about Janusz?

(see the answer keys)

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