22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Bruno flirting with in Scotland?
(a) Sophy.
(b) Ruby.
(c) Ruth.
(d) Martha.

2. What do Silvana and Aurek find in a hole left by a bomb?
(a) A body.
(b) Furniture.
(c) Food.
(d) A gun.

3. What does Silvana deduce from the medicine the mother is taking?
(a) That Gregor is dead.
(b) That she supports a German soldier.
(c) That she knows Gregor.
(d) That she has money.

4. Where is Janusz sent to recover?
(a) In England.
(b) In the country.
(c) In Marseille.
(d) In Paris.

5. What does Bruno want to do upon arriving in France?
(a) Go to bars.
(b) Enroll in the army.
(c) Get a job.
(d) Take a vacation.

6. Who does Gregor leave the camp with in pages 184-215?
(a) Martha.
(b) Elsa.
(c) Elisa.
(d) Silvana.

7. Where do Silvana and Aurek lie to wait for death?
(a) A blue velvet chaise longue.
(b) A red velvet chaise longue.
(c) A purple velvet chaise longue.
(d) A green velvet chaise longue.

8. What is Janusz ready to do at the farm?
(a) Buy it.
(b) Take it over.
(c) Leave it.
(d) Marry Helene.

9. What happens to Ela?
(a) She flees.
(b) She pays the German soldier.
(c) She starts beating Marysia.
(d) She is shot by the German soldier.

10. What does Janusz teach Aurek?
(a) To catch birds' eggs.
(b) To catch fish.
(c) To catch birds.
(d) To pick mushrooms.

11. What does Helene ask Janusz to do despite risk of arrest?
(a) Stay with her.
(b) To marry her.
(c) To go to Spain.
(d) To go to England.

12. When does Silvana realize that Tony is projecting the feeling he has for his dead wife onto her?
(a) After talking about marriage with him.
(b) After talking with his parents.
(c) After talking with Peter.
(d) After confronting Tony about the clothes.

13. Where do Janusz and Bruno arrive at in France?
(a) Marseille.
(b) Toulon.
(c) Cassis.
(d) Nice.

14. Who writes the last letter bringing news from Helene?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her husband,

15. Who does the house Silvana is living in belong to?
(a) An old neigbor.
(b) Tony's wife's parents.
(c) Tony.
(d) A dead soldier.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Bruno's assignment in the army?

2. Why should the thief not be punished for his or her actions?

3. What is Silvana shocked at as Tony enters the house?

4. Why does Aurek run out into the rain?

5. What does Silvana receive for her birthday?

(see the answer keys)

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