22 Britannia Road Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

22 Britannia Road Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 272-320.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What army do the two soldiers going to the farm belong to?
(a) The Polish army.
(b) The Russian Army.
(c) The SS.
(d) The Germany Army.

2. What does Janusz teach Silvana and Aurek to do in Ipswich?
(a) English,
(b) Eat with fork.
(c) Behave in society.
(d) Play without being violent.

3. What does Silvana fear will happen?
(a) Aurek will not become civilized.
(b) Janusz will find her inadequate.
(c) She will not find a job.
(d) She wil not be able to learn English.

4. What is Janusz hoping for in life because of his patience?
(a) For a bigger house.
(b) For a new car.
(c) For a promotion.
(d) For a better job.

5. Why does Aurek run out into the rain?
(a) His mother tells him they are going to move out.
(b) His mother doesn't want him to play with Peter anymore.
(c) His mother tells him his real father is dead.
(d) His mother tells him he is not really her son.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many silver birch trees does Janusz plant in his backyard?

2. What is Silvana's hair color?

3. What does Silvana deduce from the medicine the mother is taking?

4. What does Janusz say that both he and Silvana know is not true?

5. What makes Silvana panic in Tony's store?

(see the answer key)

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