1st to Die: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

1st to Die: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Claire and Lindsay greet each other when they first meet in the novel?
(a) With screams of excitement.
(b) With coldness.
(c) With a hug.
(d) With professionalism since they are, after all, at work.

2. What does Lindsay learn from CSU about fingerprints at the Brandt murder scene?
(a) That the only prints at the scene were Lindsay's.
(b) That they found one set of usable prints.
(c) That they found two sets of usable prints.
(d) That there were no prints of any use.

3. What key items does Lindsay realize the killer took from the Brandt crime scene?
(a) The couple's champagne glasses.
(b) The couple's wedding rings.
(c) The couple's wallets.
(d) The couple's toothbrushes.

4. What doctor does Lindsay go see the day after she revisits the Brandt crime scene?
(a) A psychic.
(b) A forensic anthropologist.
(c) A psychologist.
(d) A hematologist.

5. Who is Linday's original police partner?
(a) Ryans.
(b) Barton.
(c) Jacobi.
(d) Meadows.

6. Who is Becky Passeneu?
(a) All of these answers are correct.
(b) A teacher in town with a clue for Lindsay.
(c) A woman about to get married.
(d) A very rich lady who likes to go shopping.

7. What do the DeGeorges end up doing in the back seat?
(a) Filming themselves for YouTube.
(b) Getting into their first big fight.
(c) Doing drugs.
(d) Having sex.

8. What do Lindsay and Raleigh do for the first time while out of town investigating the Voskuhl murders?
(a) Kiss.
(b) Get in a fight.
(c) Go for a bike ride.
(d) Go for a long run.

9. What does Melanie Brandt's father do for a living?
(a) Works in a prison.
(b) Works at the University of San Francisco.
(c) Works on Wall Street.
(d) Works as a doctor.

10. Whom does Lindsay invite to join her and Claire for drinks after discussing the DeGeorges?
(a) Raleigh.
(b) Her doctor.
(c) Lauren.
(d) Cindy.

11. Where does Lindsay go jogging on a Sunday morning?
(a) Golden Gate Park.
(b) The Presidio.
(c) The Embarcadero.
(d) Marina Green.

12. Who does Phillip Campbell meet in the airport?
(a) His long-lost cousin.
(b) A young woman about to get married.
(c) Lindsay.
(d) Cindy.

13. What paper does Cindy Thomas work for?
(a) The San Francisco Daily.
(b) The Chronicle.
(c) The San Francisco Times.
(d) She doesn't work for the paper, she writes for a news blog.

14. How does Lindsay's doctor want to treat her illness?
(a) With accupuncture.
(b) With chemotherapy.
(c) With blood transfusions.
(d) With pills she has to take 12 times a day.

15. Why does Lindsay return to the Brandt hotel murder scene after everyone else has left?
(a) Because Cindy told her to meet her there.
(b) Because she doesn't want to go home.
(c) Because she got an anonymous tip.
(d) Because she got called back by her boss.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Claire report she has a sample of from the crime scene?

2. Who hands Lindsay's case files to the FBI?

3. When the novel opens, who does Lindsay consider the most important person in her life?

4. Why does James sneak away to go to the bathroom?

5. Why does Kathy join James in the bathroom.

(see the answer keys)

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