13 Little Blue Envelopes Test | Final Test - Easy

Maureen Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

13 Little Blue Envelopes Test | Final Test - Easy

Maureen Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Ginny say she'll open the last letter?
(a) When the sunsets.
(b) Upon arriving in Moscow.
(c) Upon arriving in Corfu.
(d) Tomorrow at sunrise.

2. What does Ginny try to explain about the toy incident?
(a) Why she was angry.
(b) How the toy was very important to Peg's friend.
(c) That it made her mistrust Keith.
(d) How she was disappointed that Keith was a thief.

3. What is Piet's occupation?
(a) A musician.
(b) A museum guard.
(c) Museum president.
(d) A sculptor.

4. To what is the cafe out front of her hostel devoted?
(a) Baking the lightest rye bread in the world.
(b) World-class coffee.
(c) A Bob Marley kind of lifestyle.
(d) Baking the best brownies in the world.

5. What does Olivia offer Ginny?
(a) A sweater Olivia does not want.
(b) A day pass at an internet cafe.
(c) To download some of her songs from her ipod onto Ginny's laptop.
(d) A blouse Olivia does not want.

6. What is the name of the cafe Ginny goes to?
(a) The Small Turtle.
(b) The Little Dog.
(c) Open Air.
(d) The Slow Lion.

7. When does Peg decide she is done with Paris?
(a) When she runs out of money.
(b) When she climbs the Eiffel Tower.
(c) When she has learned enough French to order breakfast.
(d) When she completes the cafe.

8. From what work of literature is the inscription on the stone?
(a) Tristan and Isolde.
(b) Romeo and Juliet.
(c) Helen of Troy.
(d) Hamlet.

9. What seems to take forever?
(a) The meal on the train.
(b) The train ride.
(c) The boat ride.
(d) Waiting in line for train tickets.

10. What hostel does Ginny rent a room in when she leaves Paris?
(a) The House.
(b) The Big Banana.
(c) The Apple.
(d) The Second House.

11. What does Ginny tell her companions?
(a) About her life in the United States.
(b) About what happened in Italy.
(c) About Keith.
(d) About the letters from Peg.

12. Where does Ginny ride when Knud picks her up at the airport?
(a) Behind Knud on a motorcycle.
(b) The back of a limo.
(c) The sidecar of a motorcycle.
(d) In a VW convertible.

13. Who does Olivia say is her boyfriend?
(a) She actually has a girlfriend.
(b) An older American man.
(c) A German boy.
(d) A young Italian boy.

14. What do the people call Ginny when she joins them at the hostel?
(a) A pariah.
(b) An albatross.
(c) A limpkin.
(d) A messenger.

15. What does Keith write on Peg's hand?
(a) His cell number.
(b) A short poem he wrote.
(c) His IM.
(d) His sun sign.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does her aunt say Ginny can go to get her next assignment?

2. Where does Peg go from Paris?

3. Where does Ginny realize she needs to go?

4. Who invites Ginny to share a room at a hotel/hostel?

5. Who arrives as they are kissing?

(see the answer keys)

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