13 Little Blue Envelopes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Maureen Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

13 Little Blue Envelopes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Maureen Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Keith taking his show?
(a) Hamburg.
(b) Verona.
(c) London.
(d) Edinburgh.

2. Who does Ginny write?
(a) Miriam.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her brother.
(d) Richard.

3. What does Keith ask Ginny as they are leaving Mari's?
(a) If she plans to go to Prague now.
(b) What is going on with Ginny.
(c) Why she invited him to come with her.
(d) Why she likes him.

4. What does Alice give Ginny when Ginny arrives at the 4th Noodle Penthouse?
(a) A quilt.
(b) A brown package.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A check.

5. Where does Ginny notice a tour group stop to do?
(a) Drink from an old fountain.
(b) Take pictures.
(c) Watch two elderly men playing chess.
(d) Speak to an old man playing a guitar.

6. At what counter does Ginny have the clerk call her guide?
(a) Dresses.
(b) Chocolate.
(c) Hosiery.
(d) Perfume.

7. How does Ginny decide to distribute the money?
(a) She has not yet decided.
(b) Getting a CPA to call the man in.
(c) Buying tickets.
(d) Getting a lawyer to call the woman in.

8. What is Ginny to ask if she gets lost in Harrods?
(a) For a security cop.
(b) For Mrs. Wales.
(c) For Mr. Murphy in Special Services.
(d) For a cab back to 54a.

9. Where does Ginny decide to stay in Rome?
(a) At the small boarding house where her aunt stayed.
(b) At a large, American hotel.
(c) She does not go to Rome.
(d) At a private, small efficiency.

10. When can Ginny open the 3rd envelope?
(a) When she leaves Italy.
(b) When she receives the answer to the question she asks at 54a.
(c) When she turns 22.
(d) When she leaves France.

11. Who is Ortensia?
(a) A woman Ginny meets on the train to Berlin.
(b) A priestess of the vestal vigrins.
(c) Peg's astrologer.
(d) The woman who shows Ginny to her room.

12. What is the flaw in Ginny's plan to help an artist?
(a) There is no flaw.
(b) The mime will have to pay taxes.
(c) The lawyer may just keep the money.
(d) She buys all the tickets so no one else will see the artist.

13. What do Keith and Ginny do on the way to London?
(a) Discuss Keith's production.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Discuss what Ginny's aunt did.
(d) Play cards.

14. How does Keith characterize his younger years?
(a) As being a hooligan.
(b) As being very protected.
(c) As always wanting to go into theater but did not have the courage.
(d) As being a nerd.

15. What is Ginny to ask when she arrives at 54a?
(a) Why Aunt Peg wants Ginny to do this.
(b) What the occupant had said to Winston Churchill.
(c) Where was Mr. Watson.
(d) What the occupant gave the queen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what is Mari's house full?

2. What does Ginny ask Richard at lunch?

3. What does Keith do before Ginny can escape?

4. Who is Keith?

5. Who is Jittery Grande?

(see the answer keys)

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