100 Love Sonnets = Cien Sonetos de Amor Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

100 Love Sonnets = Cien Sonetos de Amor Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. In his dedication, how does Neruda compare his poems to those of other poets?

Neruda emphasizes the elegance of other poets' sonnets, saying that they "sound like crystal, or silver, or cannonfire." His poems, on the other hand, are made of wood, and Neruda says that it is only Matilde that gives them life.

2. In Sonnet I, how does Neruda describe Matilde's name?

In Sonnet I, Neruda describes Matilde's name as a sea or ocean that he desires to sail through and rest within. He compares her name to common, earthly objects, saying that Matilde's name is "the name of a plant, or a rock, or a wine of things that begin in the earth, and last."

3. How is Neruda affected by the "bitter love" he experiences in Sonnet III?

Neruda describes the "bitter love" in Sonnet III as a sharp, thorny emotion. The "ferocious love" in Sonnet III winds itself around his heart, "slashing a seared road" through his heart.

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