100 Love Sonnets = Cien Sonetos de Amor Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

100 Love Sonnets = Cien Sonetos de Amor Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the 100 Love Sonnets = Cien Sonetos de Amor Lesson Plans

Dedication - X

• In his dedication, Neruda explains to Matilde that he labored and suffered over his 100 sonnets. They are made of wood, and only Matilde herself gives them life and beauty.

• I: The name "Matilde" is a name with a life all its own. It is like an ocean, which Neruda wants to sail through and rest within.

• II: Neruda laments that his path to love with Matilde has been traveled with great effort and loneliness. Once together, the love between Matilde and Neruda obliterates all distance and boundaries.

• III: "Bitter love" is described as a thorny plant, a weapon that has wounded Neruda. Love has wounded his heart with its thorns.
• IV: Neruda asks Matilde to remember different sights they encounter in nature. He says that, in that place, time has no meaning, but that the place holds everything he needs.

• V: Neruda describes Matilde using...

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