10 Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10 Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "Andromache": Where is Andromache from?
(a) Troy.
(b) Damascus.
(c) Athens.
(d) Sparta.

2. "Andromache": Who snatches the sword from Hermione before she can kill herself?
(a) The servant.
(b) The nurse.
(c) The priestess.
(d) The handmaiden.

3. "Medea": What does Jason claim Medea has learned which makes her better off for his bringing her to Greece?
(a) The value of knowledge.
(b) The value of strength.
(c) The value of friendship.
(d) The value of justice.

4. "Alcestis": What is the woman dressed in when Heracles returns with her?
(a) A mask.
(b) A caftan.
(c) A veil.
(d) A robe.

5. "Ion": What does Xuthus do before seeing the oracle?
(a) Pay money.
(b) Make a sacrifice.
(c) Dance.
(d) Sing a song.

Short Answer Questions

1. "Ion": What does Creusa put with the baby boy?

2. "Andromache": What does Orestes plan to do after he kills Neoptolemos?

3. "Ion": Who tries to get Creusa to kill Xuthus and Ion?

4. "Andromache": Of what place is Menelaus king?

5. "Andromache": What is Andromache's relationship to Neoptolemos?

Short Essay Questions

1. "Ion": How does Ion come to the temple of Apollo?

2. "Alcestis": What labor is Heracles on his way to perform?

3. "Medea": Why did Jason and Medea travel to Corinth?

4. "Alcestis": What has Admetus done before the beginning of the play?

5. "Hippolytus": Why is Theseus in exile?

6. "Medea": Describe Medea.

7. "Ion": How does Ion respond when Creusa says that the gods may be to blame for their troubles?

8. "Medea": What does Aegeus swear to Medea that he will do?

9. "Andromache": When Menelaus betrays Andromache when she leaves the shrine, what does she do?

10. "Ion": What happens to Creusa before the play begins?

(see the answer keys)

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