10:04 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10:04 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The unnamed narrator recalls that the poet Wallace Stevens had inspired how many of Bernard's favorite poets, including Bronk?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 5.

2. During the first meeting of Hannah and the author, she explains what term to him that "he'd never heard" (68)?
(a) Pareidolia.
(b) Apoplexy.
(c) Synesthesia.
(d) Mercurochrome.

3. Liza laughingly compares the author to which historical figure once he announces that he will opt for local anesthesia?
(a) Patton.
(b) Joan of Arc.
(c) Stalin.
(d) Napoleon.

4. What object does the author encounter along his walk that makes him feel as if it is exists "at once in the present and in various pasts" (66)?
(a) A hay bale.
(b) A broom.
(c) A gaslight.
(d) A dog.

5. The reader is reminded that the unnamed narrator had planned to use the name Josh in his novel to represent which of his real acquaintances?
(a) David.
(b) Jon.
(c) Dr. Andrews.
(d) Alex.

Short Answer Questions

1. What body of water do Liza and the author reach just before the author says he has decided to opt for local anesthesia?

2. On what day of the week is the author scheduled to have a medical procedure done?

3. During the author's final walk with Liza before he must call the doctor to choose a form of sedation, the light is described in what way?

4. In what year of college was Alex enrolled when she met the unnamed narrator?

5. The unnamed narrator remarks in Part One that the movie Back to the Future was a movie of what type from his youth?

Short Essay Questions

1. What action by the author comprises the tender moment he experiences with Liza in a taxi in Part Two: The Golden Vanity?

2. What advice from Dr. Roberts does the author apply within "The Golden Vanity" and how does he apply it?

3. What major decision does the unnamed narrator make when he first attends a showing of The Clock?

4. What injury lands Bernard in the hospital and what role do Natali and Bernard then ask the unnamed narrator to fulfill?

5. Why does the unnamed narrator refer to a particular scene in Part One as having "faded from the photograph" (24)?

6. What event does the author recall at the end of the story "The Golden Vanity," causing him to conclude that the event had never happened?

7. What is the main difference between the unnamed narrator of 10:04 and the character in the unnamed narrator's novel he calls "the author" (61)?

8. What event have the unnamed narrator and his agent just been celebrating when the novel opens, and why is the occasion bittersweet for the unnamed narrator?

9. Explain the art installation Alex and the unnamed narrator attend in Part One.

10. What medical procedure does the author require and why?

(see the answer keys)

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