10:04 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10:04 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Three .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The unnamed narrator receives an email from Natali saying that her husband had hurt what part of his body in a fall?
(a) His ankle.
(b) His leg.
(c) His arm.
(d) His neck.

2. The unnamed narrator remarks that the chair at Mount Sinai Hospital had "been designed for" (5) whom?
(a) A kindergartener.
(b) A toddler.
(c) An infant.
(d) A elderly person.

3. The author notices that Hannah has what color hair, as well as a silver nose ring?
(a) Light brown.
(b) Blonde.
(c) Black.
(d) Red.

4. When the scene of the first meeting of Hannah and the author comes to an end, what is included just prior to the page break?
(a) An image.
(b) A poem.
(c) A newspaper article.
(d) A chart.

5. The unnamed narrator remarks in Part One that the movie Back to the Future was a movie of what type from his youth?
(a) Crucial.
(b) Memorable.
(c) Fun.
(d) Iconic.

Short Answer Questions

1. "The distinguished female author" (119) sitting across from the unnamed narrator at the literary dinner compliments him on what?

2. In what way are Sharon and Jon, two of the unnamed narrator's friends, acquainted?

3. What is revealed to be the truth about Doctor Roberts's request for the author to see a neurologist?

4. What is the only element of the physical world that gives the unnamed narrator a feeling of excitement?

5. The unnamed narrator tells the distinguished female author that his next book will involve a woman lying about having which malady?

(see the answer key)

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