10:04 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10:04 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part One.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What food from the fancy dinner in Chelsea does the narrator refer to again and again?
(a) Shark.
(b) Octopus.
(c) Eel.
(d) Tuna.

2. Which creature is the focus of the book the unnamed narrator and Roberto plan to write together?
(a) The unicorn.
(b) The Loch Ness monster.
(c) The Yeti.
(d) The brontosaurus.

3. How old is the unnamed narrator in narrative present?
(a) 27.
(b) 38.
(c) 42.
(d) 33.

4. How old is the third-grader named Roberto?
(a) 6.
(b) 7.
(c) 8.
(d) 9.

5. The unnamed narrator was recently diagnosed with a defect of what body part?
(a) The kidney.
(b) The spine.
(c) The heart.
(d) The liver.

Short Answer Questions

1. Roberto tells the unnamed narrator that he has a recurring dream about what future event?

2. The unnamed narrator recalls that the poet Wallace Stevens had inspired how many of Bernard's favorite poets, including Bronk?

3. In what city is the novel 10:04 set?

4. The unnamed narrator recalls the day Alex told him during a walk on Atlantic that which member of her family "had been diagnosed in a late stage" (7)?

5. The unnamed narrator receives an email from Natali saying that her husband had hurt what part of his body in a fall?

(see the answer key)

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