The Wind in the Willows Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Imaginative Journeys.

The Wind in the Willows Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Imaginative Journeys.
This section contains 1,772 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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Imaginative Journeys

Summary: A comparative analysis of the dustjacket of Ivory Trail, by Victor Kelleher; an extract from The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Graham; and the film "Contact," directed by Robert Zemeckis. All three of these works present contrasting features of the imaginative journey, but all three shape our ideas through effective use of cinematic, language, and visual devices.
Imaginative Journeys- Analytical Essay

The dust jacket of `The Ivory Trail' by Victor Kelleher, `Contact', a film directed by Robert Zimeck, and an extract from the `Wind in the Willows' by Kenneth Graham, all present the idea of journey. The dust jacket of `The Ivory Trail' uses a variety of visual techniques while `Contact' utilises cinematic devices and `The Wind in the Willows employs prose techniques, in order to convey the concept of imaginative journeys and thus, shape our own understanding of them.

The dust jacket of The Ivory Trail uses a wide range of visual techniques, in order to shape our ideas regarding imaginative journeys. In the foreground, our eyes are immediately drawn to the face of a youth. The expression on the face of the youth is one of contemplation, which connotes that the youth is on an imaginative journey of his own. A closer look...

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