Jerry Spinelli Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Spinelli's Moral of Acceptance.
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Jerry Spinelli Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Spinelli's Moral of Acceptance.
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Spinelli's Moral of Acceptance

Summary: A biography of the author Jerry Spinelli and an analysis on the meanings and morals of some of his works, including Maniac Magee, Crash, and Loser. All three books strongly depict Spinell's moral of accepting people for who they are.

Spinelli's Moral of Equality

Eric T. Tran

Golden Elementary School

April 14, 2006


This report exposes the meanings and morals of some of Jerry Spinelli's work. Maniac Magee is about a boy who wants a family and doesn't understand why East and West side is so different. He befriends many people in this story, but never gets a family. Crash is about a boy who is acting on other people's intentions and soon is pressured to reveal his true self. Loser is about a boy, Zinkoff, who does and acts of his own accord. He is not spoiled, but he doesn't understand other people.


In his books, Jerry Spinelli shows how being accepted is important. Perhaps, with events and behaviors of characters, Jerry Spinelli can strongly depict his moral of acceptance. These events and behaviors are most evidently shown through his books, Maniac Magee, Loser, and Crash.


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