Domestic violence Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Victims of Identity Status.

Domestic violence Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Victims of Identity Status.
This section contains 1,360 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Victims of Identity Status

Summary: The idea that abuse of the victim is the victim's fault needs to be abated. My dad told my mom this. The last time he abused her he and told her not to breathe by him. Mom said she would breathe anyplace she wanted. She did not "push him to his limit" nor did she deserve to be abused. It was not her fault. Maybe she should have kept her mouth shut but she has a right not to keep her mouth shut and many times that did not help anyway.
There are two definitions of domestic violence. The legal definition is: "anyone who has been physically harmed; placed in fear of imminent serious harm, including attempted harm; and/or engaged involuntarily in sexual relations by force, threat, or duress by a present or former family member related by blood or marriage, by a household member, by a parent of the victims child, or by a partner in substantive dating or engagement relationship." (Sgarzi/McDevitt, 2003, p. 121-122) The other definition is a working definition and includes a range of abusive behavior beyond the obvious physical abuse. "Domestic violence is a process, not an event." (Day, 1994) My mom was abused by my biological dad. It started out with verbal and psychological abuse. Then there was the throwing and destroying of her property. Then mean things were said to the kids. Then there was pushing and slapping that finally became hitting...

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