This section contains 1,060 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
Is the World of 1984 Possible?
Summary: The lack of privacy in 1984 is something that is clearly shown in the text. Orwell shows us this by introducing the ruler of Oceania, Big Brother. He is watching everyone at anytime and it is put up all over Oceania "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU."
George Orwell's world of 1984 is a dark and sinister place. In a world controlled by high and demanding power constantly living in fear of doing or saying something is somewhat similar to the world of 1984. It is a place where no personal freedoms subsist. It is a place where no one knows the meaning of privacy. It is a place where you must do as you are told and where no one has love for one another. George Orwell's world of 1984 is slowly becoming ours. In the modern world people are subjected to no privacy. The development of cameras and microphones are used to destroy privacy and in a way, cease freedom. The political world is becoming very high demanding, where many nations are trying to seek "absolute power" and trying to become totalitarian governments. Truth is a mystery and secret in 1984 and we are reflecting that by...
This section contains 1,060 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |