Brief Summary of "Reunion" Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Brief Summary of "Reunion".

Brief Summary of "Reunion" Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Brief Summary of "Reunion".
This section contains 150 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Brief Summary of "Reunion"

Summary: A brief summary of John Cheever's "Reunion," a story about a boy named Charlie waiting for his father and what happens after that.
"Reunion" by John Cheever involves Charlie, an eager young man who misses his "Daddy", and can't wait to see his divorced father on a layover. The story takes place in New York one afternoon, where Charlie is waiting to meet his father in the booth his father's secretary specified. When his father comes they decide to go to lunch. In the restaurant they choose his father tries to order, but in doing so is rude, and is asked to leave. At the next restaurant his father isn't quite as boisterous, but again they are asked to leave. This happens to them two more times before Charlie finally has to leave. His father then begins to apologize, but while trying to buy Charlie a paper he fails once again. Charlie then leaves, yes he saw father but he learned that getting things you have longed for is often disappointing.
This section contains 150 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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