Jackson Pollock (BookRags) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Jackson Pollock.

Jackson Pollock (BookRags) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Jackson Pollock.
This section contains 333 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Jackson Pollock

Summary: An interpretive essay about Jackson Pollock's painting "Full Fathom Five" and what Pollock intended to do through his art.
The first time I looked at Jackson Pollock's painting Full Fathom Five my immediate reaction was, " Hey, I could do that." I did not understand how a number of lines and blobs of paint could be considered a masterpiece. It was not until I read about and studied Pollock that I appreciated his art. I realized how his work serves as a catharsis for him and so much emotion and talent is involved. Every one of his lines represents an emotion, struggle, or special idea. This revelation was not initially realized, but now it amazes me how I can stare at Full Fathom Five for hours and see millions of different meanings and messages in a single painting.

When I began to look at Pollock's work it was extremely challenging for me to understand what Pollock as an artist was trying to illustrate in his artwork. I had no idea what it was that he was trying to convey. This frustrated me to no end; I wanted so badly to know what Pollock was thinking about when he constructed this piece of art. I felt that I would never know if my interpretation was correct or not, which confused and discouraged me. Then I finally realized that I was approaching Pollock's art completely the wrong way. I decided that perhaps Pollock wants people to look at his art and decide for themselves what they see in it. I realized his offers something to everyone, which is why it is so famous, (or infamous). Once I accepted this idea I was able to enjoy Pollock's art to its full extent.

Although I may never know if my approach to Pollock is correct, it allows me to look at his art with pure enjoyment. I no longer get frustrated and can see what I want in his art. I believe that Pollock is a genius and his art allows me to be whomever I want to be, given the time I examine it.

This section contains 333 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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