State of Franklin Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of The Lost State of Franklin.

State of Franklin Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of The Lost State of Franklin.
This section contains 247 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

The Lost State of Franklin

Summary: An overview of the efforts in the 1780s to establish the state of Franklin, consisting of counties in present-day eastern Tennessee.
Amanda Miller

History 1 period

room 204

December 11, 2003

The Lost State of Franklin

Not Long after the war of Independence the first 13 colonies were asked to pay a large amount of money that paid for all the war efforts. They also were asked to form a country with a sound financial policy. In August 1784 there was a convention where all the Representatives from each of the colonies got together and decided it would be best to form a new state. They talked to the Representatives of North Carolina, George Washington, Sullivan, Greene, and Davidson, and the process of a new state began. They decide to name the state of Franklin after a man by the name of Benjamin

Franklin, though he was not a supporter of this new state. He said quote

"Though they put together this state in honor of me I was never a supporter."

The state at the time included the towns of Knoxville, Bristol, and Greenville. It is located on the westerly portion of the colonial state of North Carolina. On August 1786 John Tipton put together an anti-Franklinparty in Washington Co. This party was very strong and therefore got rid of the state of Franklin on only its fourth year in the independent nation.

It reached only until the U.S. Constitution was written and a few days before George Washington became President. Though it only lasted four years it merged into and state that we still have today now known as Tennessee.

This section contains 247 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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