Ancient history Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 34 pages of analysis of The World and the History that Made It.

Ancient history Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 34 pages of analysis of The World and the History that Made It.
This section contains 10,090 words
(approx. 34 pages at 300 words per page)
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The World and the History that Made It

Summary: Ancient History and how soiety functioned.
Social structure


Although Romans were rank conscious they did not form a closed elite based only on birth: reached by holding public offices in Rome, which were open to all citizens of free birth who met the wealth qualifications. Provincials could become citizens then senators, equestrians could become imperial officials and women could be patrons to their community. Status could also be lost, if disgraced, if wealth is lost, or if a family could produce no magistrates for 3 generations.

  • Consisted of the senatorial order made up of members of the traditional council of ex-magistrates, the Senate, their families and the equites. Even after the creation of the principate many of these families still kept an important social pre-eminence.
  • Amongst freeborn Roman citizens, the approximately 600 senators and their families held pride of place' (Rawson)
  • Senators and equestrians wore purple-bordered togas, and sat in special seating at games or...

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