Crispin: The Cross of Lead Essay | Essay

Avi (author)
This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Crispin.

Crispin: The Cross of Lead Essay | Essay

Avi (author)
This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Crispin.
This section contains 1,255 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Summary: The three main characters in Crispin, by Avi, Crispin, Bear, and Steward John Aycliffe, are realistic and true to that time period, which makes this a good example of a historical fiction. This essay contains information about the peasants during the Middle Ages, of Crispin's life on Stromford Manor, the villains and serfs who were bound to Furnival, Lord of Stromford Village, and how the Church was the center of feudal and village life. Also, the settings of manors, cities, and fields, showed how these settings participated in the importance of commerce, feudalism, and manorialism.

In the literature world written pieces are divided into fiction and non-fiction. Within fiction there are many good genres such as mystery, historical fiction, fantasy, and science-fiction, to name a few. Historical fiction can use real settings and real events but with fictional people, or real people and settings but made up events. Historical fiction uses facts from the time period to support the story. A good example of historical fiction it Crispin by Avi, because is uses realistic characters that are true to that time period, accurate descriptions about Medieval settings, and precise facts about the medieval church.

In any good novel, especially in historical fiction realistic characters play a vital part in making it a good novel. Three main characters in Crispin are; Crispin, Bear, and Steward John Aycliffe. Crispin was among the 90% of peasants during the Middle Ages. Peasant life would be, (Trueman...peasant...

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This section contains 1,255 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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