Alexander the Great Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Alexander's Relationship with the Macedonians.

Alexander the Great Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Alexander's Relationship with the Macedonians.
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(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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Alexander's Relationship with the Macedonians

Summary: An essay of Alexander and his relationship with the Macedonians.
Alexander The Great of Macedonia lived 356-323BC.He was an respected by his Macedonians and he cared for them. Throught his life as king these attitudes continued some what.He did however become suspecious of their actions during his reign.The policy of fusion and other actions of Alexander were important factors of his disintagrating relationship with the Macedonians

The Macedonians admired Alexander and thought of him as a leader we know this as it was their decision to appoint him as king.Alexander became king in 336BC and became the hegemon but also took on the system of being first among equels,this meant the people of Macedonia respected their king but were not subservant to him.They were able to speak freely and Alexander would in theroy ask their opinion about issues. Alexander throughout his life as king recognised his army of Macedonians.In the...

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