Plot Summary of "Driver's Ed" Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Plot Summary of "Driver's Ed".

Plot Summary of "Driver's Ed" Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Plot Summary of "Driver's Ed".
This section contains 217 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Plot Summary of "Driver's Ed"

Summary: In "Driver's Ed" by Caroline B. Cooney, Remy and Morgan get in trouble for a prank that involved stealing road signs that ends up in tragedy.
I read Driver's Ed by Caroline B. Cooney. It takes place in Connecticut where Remy Marland and Morgan Campbell, the two main characters live. They start off in driver's education where a few kids decide that everybody has to take a road sign before they get their license. Remy decides to take Morgan Rd. because to top everything off she has a crush on Morgan. Morgan is just getting interested in girls and likes Remy too.

Nick is a boy who just got his license and is a real troublemaker. Remy and Morgan get him to drive them. Everything goes fine until Nick wants to take a stop sign. A few days later they find out that a lady was killed because she didn't know to stop and a truck hit her. Remy and Morgan try to get it out of their heads.

After a while the guilt got to them and they finally decided to tell their parents. Their parents only had to pay a fee because they only took the stop sign. Then they made Remy and Morgan go to the husband's house to say sorry. Their parents didn't forgive them for a long time. At the end of the book it makes you believe that everything was going to work out okay.

This section contains 217 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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