LGBT adoption Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Gay Parenting Should Be Encouraged.

LGBT adoption Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Gay Parenting Should Be Encouraged.
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Gay Parenting Should Be Encouraged

Summary: Discusses reasons why gay parenting should or should not be encouraged in modern society. Gay parenting is not an ideal environment for children to grow up in. Pro gay parenting views are often founded on manipulated data, emotionally based and not with the view of what is best for the child. Children are viewed as a commodity and the adults involved, in my opinion, are indulging in a selfish desire.
Statistics from the United States (ACLU Fact sheet, 1999) estimate the there are between 6 and 14 million children being raised in same sex parent families. Whilst some significant advances have been made by the pro gay parenting movement, current legislation is for the most part geared against same sex marriage and adoption, this status quo should be maintained.

Gay parents rights group argue that being raised by two parents of the same sex provides a balanced and healthy approach to parenting. This is untrue, being raised by gay parents means that the family unit has an unbalanced ratio of male and female role models in the home environment, you could reasonably expect that this imbalance would spread into the parents circle of friends and the people that the family socialise with on a regular basis. Children look for both a mother and a father and benefit from having both in...

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