Malthusian catastrophe Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Critical Examination of Malthusian Theory of Population.

Malthusian catastrophe Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Critical Examination of Malthusian Theory of Population.
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Critical Examination of Malthusian Theory of Population

Summary: A review of the Malthusian Theory of Population, which predicted that human population growth would quickly outstrip the Earth's resources to sustain it. Much of the theory has been discredited, but it was the first study of human population that lead to other more useful studies.
Thomas Robert Malthus, very popularly known as Malthus, was a professor of History and Political Economy at Haileybury College of the East Indian Company. He was a philosopher of 19th century. He lived his life from 1766 to 1834 AD. After writing an essay on the Principle of Population in 1805 AD, he became popular in the history of population studies. In his essay which later on became a very famous theory by the name "Malthusian Theory." In the theory, he has drawn some assumptions such as:
  1. Human beings have great potentialities to produce children
  2. In agriculture Law of Diminishing Returns operates
  3. Human beings will need food to eat
  4. Passion between sexes is necessary and unavoidable
This theory became very famous and controversial as well at that period too. On the one hand, there are some thinkers, known as Neo-Malthusians, supporting him but on the other hand there are numerous thinkers...

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