Renaissance Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Trade Brings the Power of the Church to a Halt.

Renaissance Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Trade Brings the Power of the Church to a Halt.
This section contains 275 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Trade Brings the Power of the Church to a Halt

Summary: The arrival of the Renaissance in Europe brought several developments that led to an entirely new political, economic, and social structure. The most important of these developments were the weakening of the church's power and the rise of trade between manors.
During the time period 1300 to 1600, Europe went through democratic changes. The old feudal system that was based on the manor farms began to disappear. The crusades re-introduced trade between the east and west. The plague devastated the population in Europe and allowed peasant to demand new rights. Threes developments led to an entirely new political, economic, and social structure. The most important developments were trade and the church losing power.

As the church weakened, the feudal system began to fall apart. People wanted to be more than what they were. People didn't rely on religion anymore because of their distrust in the church. As the church weakened, less people paid their taxes. They now had their own money for their own personal needs. They didn't want to stay peasant, they wanted a chance to move up in the social ladder.

This brought along trade. People began to move from manors to trade. With so many people beginning to trade, cities were born. With these large cities of independent people, they practiced individualism and humanism. The more people that went into the trading business, the less farming population there was. The farmers began to make more money for their share in providing society with food. Without trade, Europe would have never gone into the renaissance with such ease.

With the feudal system disappearing, the church weakened and trade was reintroduced to the manors. This brought the renaissance to a great reformation through the peoples own individualistic beliefs. if the church hadn't have lost their power to the influences of trade, the renaissance would have taken a longer period of time to fully introduce itself.

This section contains 275 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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